I did some lines with a friend in 8th grade at the lunch table.
They were some sort of lemon powder I got in a grab bag of candy.
Snorting lemon powder fucking hurts
I did some lines with a friend in 8th grade at the lunch table.
They were some sort of lemon powder I got in a grab bag of candy.
Snorting lemon powder fucking hurts
Speaking of stupid kid shit, there was a store that you could buy small vials of liquid cinnamon for dipping toothpicks in. One kid got some in his eye and was sent home. Then there was a rash of kids getting sent home for cinnamon in the eyes in the following weeks. Finally school banned the liquid cinnamon.
Another bit of stupid was eraser burns.
Kids would hyperventilate by breathing heavily with your head below your heart for a bit. Then stand up quickly against the wall or the lockers and another kid would push on their chest and they would pass out.
I personally loved crabapple fights. Me and my trusty wrist rocket, child against child neighborhood warfare. I remember half dollar size bruses everywhere.
Tying two trashcans across the street from one another together with SpiderWire fishing line.
Ahhh the good ol’ days!
My cousin and I once invented the “Booter.”
One would ride a bike.
The other would ride a scooter.
The bike would tow the scooter with about a half dozen bungee cords. If you accelerated really hard on the bike, the cords would store all that extra energy, contract, unhook from each other, and send the scooter rocketing past.
Great fun. We never wore pads or helmets. For weight savings, of course. We were engineers first.
That sounds fun. Reminds me of winter where I grew up, in the deep snow, with snowmobiles, back in the 80’s we could ride around legally on the streets. All you needed was a flag and at night a working headlight. There were loads of fields and surrounded by national forest. I was like 8, we would fly around like psychopaths launching off the massive snowbanks. The passenger would jump off in mid flight to plummet into the chest deep snow. We would Dukes jump from one snowmobile to another. Attach a water-ski rope and strap on the skis and power launch off snowbanks or simply just hold on to the bar at the back and get dragged around the block. Late in the year we would climb up on the roofs of our houses or from a barn and fly off. Growing up in the sticks was fun!