passengers getting in and out of you every few minutes. men, women, anyone, hundreds at a time, from cities across the nation? slowly, gently, unceasingly for as long as 20 hours at a time?
thank you for helping me make trains a sex thing. I feel like it’s our last hope.
if public transit isn’t very good at eating me out, I need to buy a ford T1000 P!E!D!E!S!T!R!I!A!N!M!U!T!I!L!A!T!O!R! and roll coal.
Baby, people call me a 2-8-0 Locomotive. I can take you places that you never thought of.
okay but do you run on overhead wire or third rail power, and how many people can be inside you at once? none of this ‘individual pods’ shit, please.
First answer: neither: it runs on coal.
Second answer: 2, fireman and driver
BTW 2-8-0 means 2 leading wheels 8 driving wheels and no trailing wheels.
Like this bad boy:
only if you have capacity for at least several hundred people in you. or several tons of freight.
Not in, behind
I’m so hot, I’m constantly steaming. I’m generally a workhouse, carrying all that freight. Moving vast amount of passengers is no sweat for me.
passengers getting in and out of you every few minutes. men, women, anyone, hundreds at a time, from cities across the nation? slowly, gently, unceasingly for as long as 20 hours at a time?
thank you for helping me make trains a sex thing. I feel like it’s our last hope.
If you want people getting off quickly, you want those young, third rail trains.
I’m all about keeping people on for the long haul. I’m all the journey over long distances.