Found this via Aurynn Shaw:

When following someone on a different server on the Fediverse, the remote server decides whether you are allowed to do so. This enables features like private accounts. Due to an implementation mistake, Pixelfed ignores this and allows anyone to follow even private accounts on other servers. When a legitimate user from a Pixelfed instance follows you on your locked fediverse account, anyone on that Pixelfed instance can read your private posts. You don’t need to be a Pixelfed user to be affected.

Pixelfed admins should update to v1.12.5 ASAP, but upgrading can be a major hurdle.

Importantly, your Mastodon or GoToSocial instance isn’t handing your private posts to any random server, just because it asks. The problem only becomes apparent when you have at least one legit accepted follower from a Pixelfed server. Now that server is allowed to fetch all your private posts. And when it knows the posts, it has to decide who to show them. When you accept a follower, you not only place your trust to keep a secret on them, but also on their admin and the software they are running.

Edited to add the last block quote.

      4 days ago

      It’s a failure on the part of mastodon. I don’t really care about whatever drama dansup is embroiled in. Mastodon shouldn’t imply a post is only readable by followers when it’s just a public post that doesn’t show by default in their frontend.

      4 days ago

      Periodic reminder that shitting on someone who’s making free software and giving it away is an entitled, counterproductive, selfish thing to do.

      I have no interest in using Pixelfed or Loops, it’s just not my thing. But the idea of criticizing the person who’s making them because of a variety of made-up reasons is a bunch of crap.

      Also, fedi developers should get paid. They’re doing work. They should get paid. The idea that someone who’s optimizing the video pipeline for the next ad network can make $150k a year and it’s a problem if Dansup fills up his fundraiser because people love the stuff he’s already done is, also, a bunch of crap.

        4 days ago

        variety of made up reasons

        you are not engaging with the argument, just stating ideals

        fedi developers should get paid? yes, look at gts and mastodon

        fedi devs should also be held accountable of their fumbles

        dansup showed quite some incompetence in handling security, delivering features, communicating clearly and honestly and treating properly third party devs

        it’s fair for one person to not be able to handle a big software with big instance and big usercount. mastodon has a legal entity and a team, gts has no flagship instance, is aggressively open source and gathered a lot of contributors, dansup is winging it alone and failing

        let’s just make a big fixed point of failure of dansup, what could go wrong … ?

        check out mitra too, could probably use some funding because it’s transparent and delivers rather than promising the moon and delivering CVEs (but with a grant AND a kickstarter, maybe pay some other devs???)

        like there are thousands of fedi projects, give 10 bucks to the little dev doing it for fun in their bedroom, more money will not make dansup more competent

          4 days ago

          you are not engaging with the argument, just stating ideals

          Correct. I’ve engaged in the past with people who are convinced Dansup is committing some kind of horrible sins. I examined the arguments in detail and decided they were bullshit.

          I don’t really feel like rehashing the arguments again, but you can read if you want to see them:

          I actually wanted to find some more of the more transparently bullshit ones, but they had been removed by mods because they were transparently bullshit. Like I said, I’ve seen enough criticisms and had them turn out to be bullshit to reach my limit, there was one earlier today that I looked into a decent amount of detail, too.