and we wondered why everything was a GameBoy or a Nintendo for our parents
No no! THIS is different ! 😀 it’s because it’s funny to mess with kids.
I don’t regret any of this one bit, you look them up and it’s always someone shilling products extremely hard while doing extremely low effort content like reaction videos or streaming Minecraft.
The TV stations around me are desperate to attract the young viewers, so they always have influencers as guests on their shows and what not, and I simply do not get it.Today’s guest: Billy Bobberson.
What’s he famous for? Oh he posts some selfies on Instagram daily and every other post is a sponsored brand promo.
Why the fuck do people even follow influencers like this???Because most people are stupid. It is easier for stupid people to follow fake celebrities aka influencers, than to read a book or think for themselves.
Just remember folks, those 2007 people are able to vote now.
I just aged 40 years
Fuck im 25 and feel 40, this is why I will not shy away from my day of destined death. I can feel that it’ll be before I’m 40 and I frankly want nothing to do with being 40.
Luckily by the time you get there I’m sure you will feel it will be yourself soon, and will be more a feeling of existential dread than a fear of loss.
But what makes it sad, death is the harm of deprivation, presupposing lack, loss, or absence of some future goods. At the same time, people deprived of things valuable for them try to acquire them joining some movements or struggling for some privileges.