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Boethiah posts:
[a screenshot of a comment by BrokenHomesSmal…]
“Just put this bread into the oven for the first time. What on earth does “satin-smooth” mean? I am not a painter or a communist, I cannot work in such flowery terms as this. The fascists at the NSA wouldn’t allow this - I hope when they read this comment they will immediately take down this wishy-washy recipe and replace it with a concrete scientific methodology that is more suited to the delicate and precise nature of baking.” [screenshot ends]
this reads like Disco Elysium dialogue
autismgod replies:
this is like something an NPC says to you at the bakery in the witch alps version of Disco Elysium
Wow. Let’s flip this around for a second. Why do you think middle aged white men have gotten such a bad reputation in the last ten years or so?