• YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world
    16 hours ago

    Nah it’s okay, they’re taken care of in the stasis of the ball. What does taken care of mean? Well, they’re in stasis, so technically they don’t have any needs to meet, so they’re totally fine. What is stasis? It’s like being frozen, like cryostasis, but not like that. No, of course they’re not fully aware of every agonizing second of blackness! Wait, I mean, they’re aware, but not able to actually think or feel anything, and they can’t even talk so it’s not like they’re complaining. Some of them are complaining? Fuck idk. …are we the baddies?

    Jk that’s not supported by canon. Well, the bit at the end about self awareness anyways. [I realized after writing this last sentence immediately before this that it could kind of refer to either the Pokémon’s self awareness or the self awareness of the person exploiting the Pokémon. I will not be correcting it to clarify which I meant]