Deathworlders universe:
Aliens exist and they are terrified of us, we calm them down a bit, one faction destroy earth, but we have allies and two other planets, alien medicine that make us healthy and cool tech, sounds allright…
D’ni universe:
Magic is semi real, we can write links to physical worlds and travel there instantly, sounds bloody brilliant…
Forza Horizon:
Immortality, fast cars that never breaks down or need fuel, several big houses vast garages, yeah, I can see that being fun…
Fallout universe:
Nuclear post-apocalyptic wasteland or cramped insane vaults, nah, hard pass.
Humm, I have a few universes that I like…
Deathworlders universe:
Aliens exist and they are terrified of us, we calm them down a bit, one faction destroy earth, but we have allies and two other planets, alien medicine that make us healthy and cool tech, sounds allright…
D’ni universe:
Magic is semi real, we can write links to physical worlds and travel there instantly, sounds bloody brilliant…
Forza Horizon:
Immortality, fast cars that never breaks down or need fuel, several big houses vast garages, yeah, I can see that being fun…
Fallout universe: Nuclear post-apocalyptic wasteland or cramped insane vaults, nah, hard pass.
Downright feudal at the end, though! Just gotta hope you’re a rich/lucky landowner.