No. Or any other kind of break. Also benefits are determined by part time vs full time, which itself is generally determined be working either less than 40 hours a week, or 40+. In other words part time is generally 39.99999 hours a week.
Yeah, but your social safety nets are strong, and rich people and companies are highly taxed in order to fund those social safety nets. That makes any random worker far more motivated to go and do their job than if they were getting absolutely ass-fucked in 1 trillion different ways every hour of every day, like they are in the United States — purely in the name of prophet –, all while the propaganda tries to convince them and everyone else that’s because they are “weak“.
I suddenly have no difficulty understanding why the red October revolutionist didn’t try to “rehabilitate” the imperials, and just murdered the fucking a lot of them.
Come back! Germany will need loads of qualified workers in the coming years. There are 500 billion to be spent on infrastructure and the labor market is already quite tight. We will need people everywhere and in many places English-speaking colleagues are not a problem.
If y’all need more software/computer engineers with Quality German Humor, and whatever my ex qualifies as, (she don’t got no skills or education IDK if that’s a problem) I’ll gladly come on over.
I’ve got a Mexican coworker. She was terrified when she returned after her first sickday, fearing a profound scoulding by our consultant. She did get one - when she turned up sick a couple of weeks later :)
Oh i would believe them. I’m a federal employee (for now), we’re considered to have “great benefits” that are actually less than the bare minimum in many first world countries; we also get less pay (at least in IT) compared to private sector to “justify” these benefits. The benefits they are constantly chipping away it while also taking more out of our paychecks each year with raises below actual cost of living and inflation.
In Canada the federal government ends up having to hire contractors for anything IT related because the pay is crap when on the inside, in the end it costs more than just increasing IT’s pay to be somewhat competitive
No. Or any other kind of break. Also benefits are determined by part time vs full time, which itself is generally determined be working either less than 40 hours a week, or 40+. In other words part time is generally 39.99999 hours a week.
You wouldn’t believe labour rights here in Germany. And yet, the work gets done.
Yeah, but your social safety nets are strong, and rich people and companies are highly taxed in order to fund those social safety nets. That makes any random worker far more motivated to go and do their job than if they were getting absolutely ass-fucked in 1 trillion different ways every hour of every day, like they are in the United States — purely in the name of prophet –, all while the propaganda tries to convince them and everyone else that’s because they are “weak“.
I suddenly have no difficulty understanding why the red October revolutionist didn’t try to “rehabilitate” the imperials, and just murdered the fucking a lot of them.
Nope, rich people and companies do not pay German social security. It’s all funded by compulsory insurance for everyone except the rich.
I worked for a German company briefly. The pay was great and they literally wouldn’t let me do overtime. Best job I’ve ever had.
Come back! Germany will need loads of qualified workers in the coming years. There are 500 billion to be spent on infrastructure and the labor market is already quite tight. We will need people everywhere and in many places English-speaking colleagues are not a problem.
If y’all need more software/computer engineers with Quality German Humor, and whatever my ex qualifies as, (she don’t got no skills or education IDK if that’s a problem) I’ll gladly come on over.
(We’re a package deal because of my kid 😔)
I’ve got a Mexican coworker. She was terrified when she returned after her first sickday, fearing a profound scoulding by our consultant. She did get one - when she turned up sick a couple of weeks later :)
Oh i would believe them. I’m a federal employee (for now), we’re considered to have “great benefits” that are actually less than the bare minimum in many first world countries; we also get less pay (at least in IT) compared to private sector to “justify” these benefits. The benefits they are constantly chipping away it while also taking more out of our paychecks each year with raises below actual cost of living and inflation.
In Canada the federal government ends up having to hire contractors for anything IT related because the pay is crap when on the inside, in the end it costs more than just increasing IT’s pay to be somewhat competitive
As a Californian, I also find this shocking. What the fuck, Florida?