Screenshots of on mobile as it appeared immediately after loading (did not scroll), taken at 12:34 and 12:40 PST; look what suddenly disappeared from the #1 post spot! That’s a rather specific “server error”…
I happened to take the first screenshot (12:34) because I thought it was suspicious enough that they were suddenly dealing with an unspecified “error” right as bad news about the site hit the top of r/all. Then a few minutes later (~12:38) the site didn’t load at all. A few minutes after that, the bad press post is gone from r/all. If you go to the post now (, it says “Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/politics” (marked as “off-topic”).
I still have 3 unbanned, high karma accounts that I don’t use anymore. One day I might need them to do a thing.
I had been planning on deleting my… I think 15 year old account? that I haven’t touched since baconreader stopped working but hadn’t pulled the trigger yet because I put so much work into those years of posts. But, you make a good point. I may need it for a thing someday.