Mine is OOO for Out Of Office. I always misread it in my head like a ghost and it takes me a few seconds to process. It also doesn’t translate to speech—you have to say the whole thing.
Interested to see if others have similar acronyms they beef with.
As a kid, I was in the room at one point while my mom was watching some TV show, maybe law and order or something similar. I heard somebody letting somebody else know (verbally) the details of some victim and described the cause of injury or death or whatever as “GSW”. I asked my mom what GSW meant. She said “gun shot wound”. I said that that couldn’t possibly be right, and she was curious why. I said because “gun shot wound” is 3 syllables and “GSW” is 5; it’s literally quicker to say the full thing.
So yeah, GSW is fucking stupid when said aloud, and even me as a dumbass child knew that.
Where in the world do you live that you need five syllables to ‘GSW’?
Say W really slowly out loud and count the syllables. Where do you live that W isn’t three syllables?
I was counting double as one syllable. It’s still early on Sunday morning for me here.