As an American I think I’m going insane? The last 3 weeks have been some of the most anxious and stressed I’ve ever been.
Trump’s first term was nothing like this, there’s a feeling of apathy in the air among people and coworkers (I live in a very liberal city in the deep south). Folks around here just seem to be on edge at all times, whether you’re pro or anti in a much more divisive way.
There’s a strange feeling knowing there’s a solid chance we won’t make it out of this one. There have been plenty of times in the past where we’ve had doom and gloom (Trump v1, conservatives and Obama), etc. Nothing ever happens, but this time I’m fairly confident the country I was born into will be dead and gone given the shear destruction being waged against our institutions.
I’m protesting and will continue to do what is needed to ensure 47 isn’t the final chapter.
I’m fairly confident the country I was born into will be dead and gone
I do feel bad for the american citizens suffering the consequences, but the US Empire falling is a net positive for the rest of the world. Ask people from Palestine, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, who suffered the US hegemony
I knew this was the route America was going on since I was a kid. Walked the picket line with teachers during high school when they went on strike, and was appalled at how I was spit on and cursed at by conservative adults.
In 2015/2016, told everyone Bernie was our second chance after we whiffed on Al Gore, and then we again fucked that up.
The masses here are beyond stupid. Wish I had the means to bring my family elsewhere.
then we again fucked that up.
The masses here are beyond stupid
European here. The fault is rarely ever in the masses. The oligarchs you’re trying to fight against control the media and the narrative, it’s extremely hard to win against that. Furthermore, wasn’t Bernie chosen by popular support and then kicked out by DNC?
You do realize we’re going through a fascist coup right?
Yes. And historically, what is the right response to a country that is doing that?
Healthy dose of Bolshevism
I do see a lot of American replies saying “well I didn’t vote for this so it’s not my fault.”
Fault isn’t the issue for me. All Americans have a responsibility to course correct. The sooner it can be done in numbers the less risky it is for them to stand up and speak out.
I think the punchline of this meme is based in the reality I find myself in. The rest of the world is trying to figure out what life is going to be like when a former ally becomes ambivalent at best and an active adversary at worst. I really can’t be arsed to respond to every commenter who sucks the oxygen out of the room seeking absolution or exception to the anti-American sentiment.
We have a gun behind every blade of grass but we’ve been taught whitewashed history for generations so no one realizes they can fight back in ways that don’t involve pointlessly marching around with signs and getting pepper sprayed, tear gassed, shot at with rubber bullets and arrested.
The real way to fight fascism historically is communism. You haven’t been taught whitewashed history, you’ve been radicalised against your own interests