Healthy dose of Bolshevism
Healthy dose of Bolshevism
I’m fairly confident the country I was born into will be dead and gone
I do feel bad for the american citizens suffering the consequences, but the US Empire falling is a net positive for the rest of the world. Ask people from Palestine, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, who suffered the US hegemony
then we again fucked that up.
The masses here are beyond stupid
European here. The fault is rarely ever in the masses. The oligarchs you’re trying to fight against control the media and the narrative, it’s extremely hard to win against that. Furthermore, wasn’t Bernie chosen by popular support and then kicked out by DNC?
That there’s not a UI showing you the possible options, there’s just a black screen and online documentation, so people don’t even know what to look for
No friend you don’t get it, if you don’t have to memorise a list of commands in order to be able to execute a program, it’s a shitty OS, trust me friend
I’d rather have a democratic state controlling the means of production for the most part than anarchosyndicalism. You don’t see me crying abour “anarkiddies” in every post minimally related to leftism. Turn off the red scare brain, we have literal fascists in our governments.
So, passing a semantics test is what’s needed to call oneself communist and to try to improve the lives of everyone?
Some parts of the world went 60 years in the 20th century without capitalists. Maybe not such a wild world, right? We just can do a bit better next time
People on China have widespread and non-prosecuted access to VPNs. This is common knowledge. Media is irrelevant, a single photograph from a mobile phone leaked on the internet would be enough to make New York Times cover. The fact that this hasn’t happened proves enough.
There isn’t evidence of genocide in China. You can possibly make an argument for police state, but the genocide thing is so thoroughly debunked even wikipedia had to change the article title to “persecution” last year. If you want to have a serious, evidence-based conversation about this instead of the usual ear-shutting and namecalling, I’m fully willing.
genocide denialism
You have literally witnessed a real genocide for the past 2 years live on TikTok, with multiple daily updates on bombings, murders, and children assassinations. How come there’s not ONE picture of whatever other “genocide” you’re trying to construe leftists deny?
Almost 30 years, damn
USians are so racist you have to explain bad things using the words “Russian” and “Iranian” next to them. Like, you have Fox news already for half a century don’t you? What do you mean “Russian style disinformation”? You guys invented it before the Russian Federation existed lmao
The real way to fight fascism historically is communism. You haven’t been taught whitewashed history, you’ve been radicalised against your own interests