That’s about as expensive as our A-brand oat milks (which got subjected to extra tax last year due to heavy lobbying from our farmers, who seem to have big issues with milk-alternatives)
1 liter Arla milk in my local supermarket is 1,77 euro. And that’s because Arla is considered an A-brand here, house-brand milk is 1 euro for 1 liter.
Indeed! Føtex has done it, I was just this morning over there, and found it:
And it seems they were a bit further by marking US products:
I think the american flag might be because its a wine? Sometimes they display country of origin like that. But very cool initiative by Salling Group.
21 kr for mælk, jeebus wept. Ironically prices for alcohol has stayed largely the same in the last almost 3 decades.
It is lactose free. However, I understand your point. The price for milk has just increased considerably, and we still don’t understand why exactly.
2,81 euro for 1 liter milk?! That’s steep.
That’s about as expensive as our A-brand oat milks (which got subjected to extra tax last year due to heavy lobbying from our farmers, who seem to have big issues with milk-alternatives)
1 liter Arla milk in my local supermarket is 1,77 euro. And that’s because Arla is considered an A-brand here, house-brand milk is 1 euro for 1 liter.
Our A-brand is Arla 😂 and the others cost 15kr (€2) per a liter