Accurate because it crashes on startup for me.
11/10 no notes
I feel deja vu… Didn’t gimp 3 also release like months ago?
That was probably a release candidate you were thinking of.
Satisfying. I’ve been scarred by that GIF loop of that truck perpetually approaching the post, and to see the impact is like pulling the screen protector off a new TV. Bliss.
I honestly didn’t know footage of it crashing existed. I accepted that someone had released a true horror into the world.
This made me remember there is a video of this that is not the trolling GIF loop:
Oh my god thank you 😭
The guy has a weird english accent. He pronounces bollard “boe-lard” and debris “day-bree”
So… an English accent?
Is it good?
Here’s a circle I made
10/10 I mean 3.14
You know, for kids!
looking to get a job with the pope?
nah, I’m not very good on my knees
Pretty good. Many new features, one of them being non-destructive filtering which is the ability to apply a filter (say a Gaussian blur) and then re-edit the filter parameters or even remove it without having to undo.
However, at least for me, some changes will take some time to adjust to such as “OK” and “Reset” buttons of dialogue boxes now being displayed at the top rather than the bottom.
Also years work of changes without the wider public testing them means that there are a few bugs/annoyances, one of them being the checkerboard pattern for transparency being replaced with a solid colour (equal to the background colour) when you zoom in too much.
That (nondestructive filtering) is huge. One of the most frustrating things about blender for me was the ‘commitments’ you had to make. God, that’s fuckin’ awesome. I’ll have to check it out later, sounds like a jump forward.
“OK” and “Reset” buttons of dialogue boxes now being displayed at the top rather than the bottom
I am so unbelievably fed up with Ui changes for no reason.
GIMP is the last application I would criticize for changing its UI, but putting the dialogue buttons at the top seems like a weird choice even for it.
Yeah I really wish they’d done more frequent releases than this one huge update after years. Still, it’s fantastic to finally have non-destructive editing - a huge missing feature.
The trouble was, they were ripping out and replacing the core of the whole program in order to accomplish that non-destructive editing. It was the kind of thing that wasn’t usable at all until it was complete.
Makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the insight.
It is atleast 50% better than Gimp 2.
The numbers check out!
Any good changes?