I’ve finished up the Arthur chapters of Red Dead 2 and started on John’s. As odd as it is, I think I’m glad I waited this long to finish it. With my age I think has come a better understanding of the ending, when before when I was younger I would have just been sad about Arthur. The killing of your horse is downright diabolical too and I love it. I even knew it was coming and thought it wouldn’t affect me, but nope. It hit me really hard, especially knowing what was going to happen shortly after.

During Epilogue 1, I got this fun picture of all the horses on the ranch. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a proper ranch in the story with this many cattle, so it was a fun sight.

Another screenshot I grabbed was this one of the mission where you go to rescue Eagle Flies at the oil field. I liked whole mission strand because it mirrored Red Dead 1 in so many ways (Dutch’s cliff scene, and foreshadow’s how he exploits Native American Tribes too further his own goals), and I also liked how it highlighted a lot of the mistreatment of Native American Tribes. That’s something I feel like a lot of Western’s I feel like brush off or purposefully exclude.

I’m hoping to finish the epilogue tomorrow, which is exciting. I’ve never made it this far before.