It’d be a subtle addition to the joke if the C++ side didn’t have seatbelts.
The C++ side gives you what you need to create your own seat belt: spools of razor wire and clippers to remove the sharp edges (but no gloves). If you cut yourself, it’s your own damn fault. Real developers have discipline.
My problem with C++ is actually with all the stuff they keep tacking on with each new edition. It’s evolving into an even more complex monstrosity while at the same time keeping all sorts of nasty vestiges. At some point you’re better off jumping to a new language and we’re well past that point with C++. Sucks for those having to maintain legacy code.
Deciding whether I want to look at a wall of C++ or a wall of Rust both with lines of code exceeding the edge of my screen.
Go back to C, OOP was a mistake lol
Rust isn’t even OOP, strictly speaking. It implements some aspects, but there’s no inheritance hell.