When I’m shopping for a desktop computer, I hear two numbers constantly: Clock speed (usually in GHz) and core/thread count. What else is there to CPU performance besides these two numbers? What makes a modern CPU more performant than a CPU from years ago, assuming the same core count and clock speed?

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    Do you know engines?

    Clock speed is basically RPM. And core/threads are cylinders.

    So a 4 cylinder 1.8L engine at 5k rpms isnt necessarily doing more than a 350 v8 at 4k rpms.

    So the numbers do mean something but you can’t just pick the one with the biggest number either.

    Tomshardware.com isn’t what it used to be, but they keep an updated cpu list of how good they are at different workloads.