Social Work in Canada. It gives me a lot of options workwise and I’ve always wanted to go to Canada
Plumber, Italy of course.
I’d keep structural engineering. For where to go, somewhere with an expanding metro system.
Victoria, Australia. I’ve always been weirdly drawn to Australia and I couldn’t tell you exactly why, but I’d love to be there! It’s one of the cooler parts of Australia too!
I’m told Melbourne is mostly the same climate as the northern part of NZ, except it will randomly be 45+ degrees Celsius (apparently 113F).
The Netherlands. Amsterdam seems really nice.
Norway. I have distant relatives there. I’ve met them there a couple of times. I love the country.
I’d do nursing. I’m already close to that anyway and they usually make a bit more $$.
Mechanical Engineering. Germany. Because it would be my dream to work as a roller coaster engineer, haha.
I would like to try out being a some short of cop in Sweden or Germany. I’m not 100% sure if this would be my answer if someone actually offered me this, but it would be interesting to see.
I’d start over in New Zealand but take the same degree.
What’s the same degree?
Human services.
Purely by feelings? Synthetik Biology. Super cool subject. Engineering, but your computers live. Sadly, anything Bio-related basically needs a PhD and top grades for a job. So I guess I’ll stick with the lightning imbued rocks for now.
In my experience you get PhD not by being super intelligente but for being patient and stress resilient. And for both of them you need curiousity and enthusiasm in the field. A lot. Dont know for other countries but here in germany my PhD with medium Grades was good enough to get a lot of Jobs AS long as i let them See a glimpse of my Enthusiasmus for science.