Nearly 100 childhood sexual abuse allegations have emerged against the Mormon church in California

Amid measles outbreak, Christian school brags about having the worst vaccination rates in Texas

Robert Morris, former Texas megachurch pastor and Trump adviser, is indicted for child sex crimes

San Bernardino pastor indicted for alleged fraud targeting friends

Illinois pastor charged with disseminating child porn

“Apostle” is arrested at Miami Airport, charged with fraud

Former Fort Worth pastor ordered to pay $124M for sexually abusing woman as a child

Louisiana pastor John Raymond gets 2-year sentence in child cruelty case

Mississippi pastor accused of sex crimes including rape, unnatural intercourse

Lawsuit claims defrocked priest sexually abused boy for years at Illinois church

Former Missouri youth minister pleads guilty in federal court to child pornography charge

Georgia police charge youth pastor with possession of child sexual abuse materials

Passenger on flight to Miami kicks flight attendant, swallows rosary beads to protect plane from demonic spirit invading cockpit

White House faith advisor Paula White says God wants to bless you, but only if you give her $133

Sexual abuse: New York pastor admits ‘sweet spot’ for molesting children was between 11 and 15

Former Iowa priest charged with theft

Former chaplain at Catholic high school is accused of sexual misconduct with students

Note: When reading news coverage from any corporate-owned source — a newspaper, TV station or network, etc — the facts are generally factual, but the slant favors the rich and powerful.
