You have to define ‘we’ and you also have to define ‘WW3’.
Possible scenarios:
USA decides to get actively involved in Ukraine’s conflict. Yes, that could spell WW3. Low probability, though, since Trump does not care about Ukraine.
Russia decides to attack Western Europe. Probably only a regional conflict, since Trump would probably pull out of NATO. This is the scenario a lot of European nations are gaming today.
China attacks Taiwan and/or North Korea attacks South Korea. Probably a regional conflict, but with a high probability of escalation. Trump would drop both South Korea and Taiwan at the drop of a hat.
Iran attacks Israel, probably through proxy. Regional conflict. This is already going on, so low risk of escalation.
You have to define ‘we’ and you also have to define ‘WW3’.
Possible scenarios:
USA decides to get actively involved in Ukraine’s conflict. Yes, that could spell WW3. Low probability, though, since Trump does not care about Ukraine.
Russia decides to attack Western Europe. Probably only a regional conflict, since Trump would probably pull out of NATO. This is the scenario a lot of European nations are gaming today.
China attacks Taiwan and/or North Korea attacks South Korea. Probably a regional conflict, but with a high probability of escalation. Trump would drop both South Korea and Taiwan at the drop of a hat.
Iran attacks Israel, probably through proxy. Regional conflict. This is already going on, so low risk of escalation.
Holy shit, called it.