OP contains the link to Parliament’s official page for how to contact your MP. I’m a Labour supporter but I know these rerorms are a massive step in the wrong direction. I’ve already emailed my MP about this and I want as many people as possible to do the same.

The good news is the government has already watered down the worst aspects of the original suggestions. They’ve also introduced some positive reforms in the green paper which you can read and respond to here. We also know that MPs across the party and even up to the Cabinet are unhappy. This all suggests that further lobbying might be successful.

Some tips for lobbying:

  • Tell personal stories. MPs are people, too: play on their emotions! They also get a lot of near-identical emails on lots of issues, especially big stories like this one. Personal accounts stand out from the crowd.

  • Be clear what you’re asking for. Stick to the point, don’t ramble.

  • Be polite. You might think your MP is totally evil and want to vent at them, but a sweary, shouty email is just not going to get read. One with actual threats might land you in trouble. Keep yourself safe!

  • Don’t write off your MP. Even Tories have friends and family who are disabled. It’s worth lobbying them, too.

Thanks for reading. We can fight this! Every penny we claw back for people who need it is a win!

  • HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
    8 days ago

    I remember a fable about one rotten apple in a barral of fresh ones.

    Seems to apply to tories.

    Nasty infects those in close proximity.