These guys did what all Russians ought to do and surrendered asap, its pretty transparent that they weren’t really trying. Ridiculous to watch but ultimately intelligent. Really makes you think what inducements they’re getting to ‘volunteer’.
This one is sad. A young russian man is terrified and for some reason his own friends, well, what seems to count as friends in the Russian army, shot him and then tied him to a tree. Then some other Russians came along and killed him. Normal day in Russia? Its sad that Ukraine soldiers didn’t find him first, they probably would have helped him to live. Doesn’t seem like Russia values its soldiers any more today than in ww2 when they pretty much shielded Moscow from bullets with their naked bodies.
This shows how Russians are using donkeys etc to try to survive after they were left with no equipment. Theres even a fun cavalry charge! We’re going back to WW1. No worries as they can surrender from horseback, I’m sure the ukranian soldiers won’t mind. Theres a better one when a Russian soldier recorded himself talking about why he had to buy a donkey (had no equipment at all). You know the one I mean? I do appreciate gallows humour. I wonder though, who sold him the donkey?
I thought you had many videos of meat waves running towards trenches without guns. Did you just lie to me? You make me cry.
Donkeys are being used because of mud season. Vehicles cannot be used during the mud season. Even tanks cannot operate in this mud. Donkeys have been used for transportation in heavily wooded areas during the mud season. The video you provided did not show any cavalry charge. The headline seems to be click bait and the channel is a known pro-UA propaganda outlet. The German Armed Forces still uses donkeys for transporting equipment in rugged terrain. The German Army even issues an entire handbook for the use of donkeys in combat. The US also used them in Afghanistan due to the rugged terrain.
I have seen entire groups of Ukrainians surrender to a single drone:
Ukrainian soldiers abuse one of their own who has down syndrome (Ukraine is becoming desperate for troops) just like how the Ukrainians back in WWII tortured people with disabilities in support for Bandera:
Lol! Theres a video of a Russian soldier explaining that he had to buy his own donkey and joking about it. As usual your propaganda is shit tier.
Russian soldiers are evidenced going on horses and other animals back to the front lines - on roads. Not on mud. They just have no equipment. Russia is so skint and/or so inhumane that it doesn’t bother giving its own soldiers what they need to make an attempt at survival.
Now Putin is putting pressure on the US to stop them financing Ukraine so I guess he’s going to keep this going, assuming they will be hitting each other with tree branches by the end of it? Cavalry charges? Then he will have won… an empty no man’s land? That’s why we call him a monster. Luckily this war will be over soon, hopefully the disgrace of it will being Putin down and save the Russian people. Then you can come back here and thank us.
You said Ukraine is desperate for troops. Well 1. Have they emptied their prisons and loosened all their child rapists on russian children? Not that desperate then, unlike Russia. 2. Have they gone to the literal asshole of the world, north Korea, and begged for help? That’s surely advanced stage desperation. And more are being sent now after the first lot were minced I guess. 3. Ukraine has foreign volunteers (I mean real volunteers who aren’t being coerced - unknown in Russia, I know, where ‘volunteer’ has the same level of truth content as ‘special military operation’) and every time Putin and now trump acts shitty Ukraine get more genuine volunteers, often highly trained and experienced soldiers. That’s because genuine heroes still exist in this world and in a way Putin is creating them, so that’s a silver lining.
You didn’t comment on the other videos… Were they too sad to watch? Do you think the young Russian guy was shot by the other Russian soldiers at the end of the recording? Sad to think he could’ve surrendered and been saved, maybe even granted asylum or something?
Ukrainian Inmates with military experience including a bunch of rapists and murderers from Tornado batallion, were released in February 2022, long before Prigozin was allowed to recruit Russian convicts into Wagner.
More recently in 2024, President Zelenskyy signed a bill permitting convicts to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Hilarious that you’re so propagandised that you think Russia could win. Ukraine is a small country, much less populated than Russia and has not only held off the Russian invasion for over 3 years, several times they’ve actually taken Russian territory as well as destroying Russian infrastructure inside russia and so on. Embarrassed to get your ass kicked by a tiny country you used to rule over? Well good, stop acting like we’re in the dark ages and starting stupid wars.
Russia has been losing the whole time. If that’s not obvious to you then I can’t help ya. Your main tactic is to beg us to stop fighting so less Russian soldiers will die, as I’m guessing you believe that’s the only way you can help russia… To beg the west for mercy… Why don’t you fight the injustices and evil inside your country instead of begging the people your leader started a war against?
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me about Wagner, who almost got to Moscow, lol! What a farce that was. I bet the propaganda machine was going wild on that one. Another Russian national humiliation I guess, but what’s one more? It’s extra fun now because of all the footage, but there are still people like you around trying to make us deny the evidence of our own eyes (and ears, if you understand Russian).
I guess you don’t even feel a little sorry for your underage countryman who was tied to the tree? It’s not very nice of you to ignore his sacrifice… I’m sure he had ‘volunteered’. Do you think his mother saw his final moments? Do you think she would have cursed Putin, or was she too beaten down by Russian life to even insist on an empty coffin?
Ukraine is a small country, much less populated than Russia and has not only held off the Russian invasion for over 3 years,
Ukraine had a stronger military compared to Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom combined.
Ukraine had a thousand tanks at the start of the war. At least half of them were modernized. The T-64BV Model 2017 has third generation thermal, new gun stabilizer, new autoloader, same fire suppression system as T-84 Oplot-M, digital communications, satellite navigation, and other improvements. They also upgraded their T-80s to T-80BV Model 2018 which brings it up to T-64BV Model 2017 standard. There is also T-64BM and T-64BM2 which are similar to the T-64BV Model 2017 but with a more modern fire control system. These tanks are not really much worst than say a Leopard 2.
Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom have less than a thousand tanks combined.
Ukraine had two thousand MT-LBs which are fairly decent APCs (Russia had 3,000). They also had hundreds of modern BTR-4s and BTR-3s supplemented by hundreds of BTR-70s and BTR-80s.
Ukraine had far more artillery guns compared to these countries combined. This includes the 500 2S3s they had at the start of the war which is Soviet counterpart to M109. They also had plenty of 2S1s and 2S19s. Even if you include only the 2S3s (which again are comparable to the M109), this is roughly the same amount of M109s that the US has.
Ukraine has almost five times the amount of multiple launch rocket systems as France, Germany, Italy, and the UK combined. They are also the largest user of HIMARS and M270 outside of the US with them having more than France and Germany combined.
Ukraine has also received over a hundred modern tanks (roughly the same amount the UK has) and over half a thousand of modern artillery guns from the West which is more artillery guns than the amount that France, German, Italy, and the UK have combined. This has helped replace their losses with their fleet of 2S3s which for example dwindled down to 140.
Ukrainian military was also being trained by NATO since 2015 and also received MILES gear.
The UK practically sent their entire stockpile of SPGs to Ukraine and begged to Sweden to replace their fleet and Poland thrown half of their stockpile of SPGs to Ukraine. Almost every European country has complained about massive shortages of ammunition due to it all being given to Ukraine. France stated they could only fight Russia for a few weeks before running out of ammo.
Ukraine literally has a stronger military than France, Germany, Italy, and the UK combined. There is a reason why these countries state a Ukrainian defeat would be the end of Europe although in my opinion Russia has no plans to invade more countries outside of maybe the Baltics.
All of this despite most of the Russian Armed Forces not even being in Ukraine, majority of forces in Ukraine again are from irregular volunteer formations recruited from regions across Russia.
several times they’ve actually taken Russian territory
You mean the several failed Belgorod incursions?
Or you mean when Ukraine thrown up to a quarter of all their combat troops including their most elite into a small area in Kursk Oblast which got destroyed recently? Russia has 500K soldiers in the Ground Forces not including logistics which is part of its own branch. 100K of these are conscripts and Russia will not use them even in Kursk due to public pressure. So this leaves 400K soldiers. But most of those soldiers are being used to guard the country against NATO. This left 100K on Ukraine’s border (not including the 100K in Belarus) with 50K of which fighting in Kursk. Ukraine essentially concentrated 100K of their most elite forces and captured a very small portion of Kursk before being halted by 50K troops. These 50K troops recently destroyed this force utterly. When the chance of US intervention ceased with the Putin-Trump talks, Russia immediately launched a large-scale offensive with the air being crowded with aircraft and entire Ukrainian units surrendering. They liberated 28 settlements in a single week and captured multiple western tanks and pieces of equipment.
as well as destroying Russian infrastructure inside russia and so on.
The Russian military equipment was old and shit, mostly soviet era, probably in because they have an oligarch class that syphons off all the money, they sent all the fighting age men they could round up to use as cannon fodder and then surprise surprise, noone else wanted to go. Their military leaders are all nepo hires, corruption and bribery are rife.
I watched a russian man telling a story told to him by relatives at war. He said they had 2 tanks. One fired but couldn’t move and the other moved but couldn’t fire. They used the tank that could move to tow the tank that could fire through Ukraine. It’s funny but you have to feel sorry for people who might be brave and decent but just have no chance… Their country just doesn’t function well enough to give them a chance. And they know they’re fighting an unjust war for a tyrant. It reminded me of WW2 accounts of Russians at war. They’re pretty much in beach clothes with a broken pea shooter and expected to succeed? They don’t even have socks… I mean, you have to laugh. No wonder so many are dying.
Pretty much a shit tier country in every respect and the Russian people know it and say so even under threat of persecution. Russia couldn’t even win a war against little Ukraine - now they’re losing territory to a former soviet vassal state lol. Putin can do nothing but threaten WW3… What a weak ass ploy. He knows his presidency is dangling from a thread (this is also why he starts wars - for ratings).
Putin said the war would be won in 2 weeks… It’s a real David vs Goliath tale and anyone who has access to a world map knows that. That’s why heroes are flocking to defend Ukraine and hopefully soon EU, Canadian, Australian and UK soldiers will be there officially to defend. Ukraine will be saved and a new era of trust and cooperation begin in the west.
Maybe Russia too, if you’re lucky. You can give the hero soldiers a welcome and throw flowers at their feet. Your country will be made safe and people allowed to be decent to each other. Imagine your country at last having true democracy… I learned that the Russian people have never really been free of authoritarian rule of one kind or another, it would probably spark a cultural revolution. Who knows, Russia could be the start of a worldwide revolution where we all say ‘no more wars. No more dictators’.
🌻🌻🌻Edit: Bye bye Nimmy, I hope you escape from Russia soon my friend 🌻🌻🌻
The Russian military equipment was old and shit, mostly soviet era,
Most countries still use cold-war era equipment including Russia.
Russia however produced more T-90Ms (a very good tank mind you) last year than the amount of tanks the entire German military has. Production was 20-30 per month last year but this has likely since doubled. Losses for T-90Ms have been low as per Oryx with production massively outpacing losses (one to two months of production last year was enough to replace yearly T-90M losses).
Before you talk about T-54/55s, they are being sent to volunteer formations that use them as SPGs for hotter zones as they are better protected from artillery fire than most other SPGs (including western) which is often just armoured against bullets. It is also beneficial as they were the last Soviet tank produced to ever have indirect fire instructions in the manual.
Russian SPG losses significantly reduced since the T-54 appeared.
Regular army has priority when it comes to receiving modern equipment, unlike the Volunteer formations in Ukraine.
probably in because they have an oligarch class that syphons off all the money,
Yes corruption exists, but Russia has been cracking down on it.
they sent all the fighting age men they could round up to use as cannon fodder
Where is your proof of this?
and then surprise surprise, noone else wanted to go.
Russia’s last partial mobilisation happened in 2022. Russia over the past couple of years has seen a massive surge in volunteers with around 430,000 recruited in 2024 compared to 300,000 being recruited in 2023. That seems to contradict your idea of noone else wanting to go.
I watched a russian man telling a story told to him by relatives at war. He said they had 2 tanks. One fired but couldn’t move and the other moved but couldn’t fire. They used the tank that could move to tow the tank that could fire through Ukraine. It’s funny but you have to feel sorry for people who might be brave and decent but just have no chance…
Told to him by relatives? Hearsay?
Their country just doesn’t function well enough to give them a chance. And they know they’re fighting an unjust war for a tyrant. It reminded me of WW2 accounts of Russians at war. They’re pretty much in beach clothes with a broken pea shooter and expected to succeed? They don’t even have socks… I mean, you have to laugh. No wonder so many are dying.
Soviet and Russian troops have traditionally used portyanki and only switched to socks in 2013.
Some troops are complaining about being issued foot wraps despite it not only being previously standard issue not so long ago but dry faster than socks and with many wearing tarpaulin boots, foot wraps is better for them anyways.
Meanwhile, the Finnish had to knit over 20,000 pairs of socks for Ukrainian soldiers. These guys did what all Russians ought to do and surrendered asap, its pretty transparent that they weren’t really trying. Ridiculous to watch but ultimately intelligent. Really makes you think what inducements they’re getting to ‘volunteer’. This one is sad. A young russian man is terrified and for some reason his own friends, well, what seems to count as friends in the Russian army, shot him and then tied him to a tree. Then some other Russians came along and killed him. Normal day in Russia? Its sad that Ukraine soldiers didn’t find him first, they probably would have helped him to live. Doesn’t seem like Russia values its soldiers any more today than in ww2 when they pretty much shielded Moscow from bullets with their naked bodies. This shows how Russians are using donkeys etc to try to survive after they were left with no equipment. Theres even a fun cavalry charge! We’re going back to WW1. No worries as they can surrender from horseback, I’m sure the ukranian soldiers won’t mind. Theres a better one when a Russian soldier recorded himself talking about why he had to buy a donkey (had no equipment at all). You know the one I mean? I do appreciate gallows humour. I wonder though, who sold him the donkey?
I thought you had many videos of meat waves running towards trenches without guns. Did you just lie to me? You make me cry.
Donkeys are being used because of mud season. Vehicles cannot be used during the mud season. Even tanks cannot operate in this mud. Donkeys have been used for transportation in heavily wooded areas during the mud season. The video you provided did not show any cavalry charge. The headline seems to be click bait and the channel is a known pro-UA propaganda outlet. The German Armed Forces still uses donkeys for transporting equipment in rugged terrain. The German Army even issues an entire handbook for the use of donkeys in combat. The US also used them in Afghanistan due to the rugged terrain.
I have seen entire groups of Ukrainians surrender to a single drone:
11 Ukrainians being taken prisoner by 4 Russian soldiers:
10 Ukrainian soldiers surrendering:
Russian stormtroopers capturing a position and taking Ukrainians as prisoners:
An entire Ukrainian platoon surrendering:
Stormtroopers taking prisoners:
Ukrainian soldiers abuse one of their own who has down syndrome (Ukraine is becoming desperate for troops) just like how the Ukrainians back in WWII tortured people with disabilities in support for Bandera:
Lol! Theres a video of a Russian soldier explaining that he had to buy his own donkey and joking about it. As usual your propaganda is shit tier.
Russian soldiers are evidenced going on horses and other animals back to the front lines - on roads. Not on mud. They just have no equipment. Russia is so skint and/or so inhumane that it doesn’t bother giving its own soldiers what they need to make an attempt at survival.
Now Putin is putting pressure on the US to stop them financing Ukraine so I guess he’s going to keep this going, assuming they will be hitting each other with tree branches by the end of it? Cavalry charges? Then he will have won… an empty no man’s land? That’s why we call him a monster. Luckily this war will be over soon, hopefully the disgrace of it will being Putin down and save the Russian people. Then you can come back here and thank us.
You said Ukraine is desperate for troops. Well 1. Have they emptied their prisons and loosened all their child rapists on russian children? Not that desperate then, unlike Russia. 2. Have they gone to the literal asshole of the world, north Korea, and begged for help? That’s surely advanced stage desperation. And more are being sent now after the first lot were minced I guess. 3. Ukraine has foreign volunteers (I mean real volunteers who aren’t being coerced - unknown in Russia, I know, where ‘volunteer’ has the same level of truth content as ‘special military operation’) and every time Putin and now trump acts shitty Ukraine get more genuine volunteers, often highly trained and experienced soldiers. That’s because genuine heroes still exist in this world and in a way Putin is creating them, so that’s a silver lining.
You didn’t comment on the other videos… Were they too sad to watch? Do you think the young Russian guy was shot by the other Russian soldiers at the end of the recording? Sad to think he could’ve surrendered and been saved, maybe even granted asylum or something?
So for transport? Would you rather walk? It ain’t stupid if it works.
Must be embarrassing considering that Russia is winning with donkeys, what does that say about Ukrainian peoples’ will to fight?
Oh wait the Ukrainians also use animals:
Ukrainians using horse sleds as transport
Ukrainians riding on bicycles and horse carriages
Ukrainians using horse carriage
Ukraine transporting supplies via horses
Ukrainian Inmates with military experience including a bunch of rapists and murderers from Tornado batallion, were released in February 2022, long before Prigozin was allowed to recruit Russian convicts into Wagner.
More recently in 2024, President Zelenskyy signed a bill permitting convicts to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Convicted Females joining Ukrainian Armed Forces
Hilarious that you’re so propagandised that you think Russia could win. Ukraine is a small country, much less populated than Russia and has not only held off the Russian invasion for over 3 years, several times they’ve actually taken Russian territory as well as destroying Russian infrastructure inside russia and so on. Embarrassed to get your ass kicked by a tiny country you used to rule over? Well good, stop acting like we’re in the dark ages and starting stupid wars.
Russia has been losing the whole time. If that’s not obvious to you then I can’t help ya. Your main tactic is to beg us to stop fighting so less Russian soldiers will die, as I’m guessing you believe that’s the only way you can help russia… To beg the west for mercy… Why don’t you fight the injustices and evil inside your country instead of begging the people your leader started a war against?
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me about Wagner, who almost got to Moscow, lol! What a farce that was. I bet the propaganda machine was going wild on that one. Another Russian national humiliation I guess, but what’s one more? It’s extra fun now because of all the footage, but there are still people like you around trying to make us deny the evidence of our own eyes (and ears, if you understand Russian).
I guess you don’t even feel a little sorry for your underage countryman who was tied to the tree? It’s not very nice of you to ignore his sacrifice… I’m sure he had ‘volunteered’. Do you think his mother saw his final moments? Do you think she would have cursed Putin, or was she too beaten down by Russian life to even insist on an empty coffin?
Ukraine had a stronger military compared to Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom combined.
Ukraine had a thousand tanks at the start of the war. At least half of them were modernized. The T-64BV Model 2017 has third generation thermal, new gun stabilizer, new autoloader, same fire suppression system as T-84 Oplot-M, digital communications, satellite navigation, and other improvements. They also upgraded their T-80s to T-80BV Model 2018 which brings it up to T-64BV Model 2017 standard. There is also T-64BM and T-64BM2 which are similar to the T-64BV Model 2017 but with a more modern fire control system. These tanks are not really much worst than say a Leopard 2.
Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom have less than a thousand tanks combined.
Ukraine had two thousand MT-LBs which are fairly decent APCs (Russia had 3,000). They also had hundreds of modern BTR-4s and BTR-3s supplemented by hundreds of BTR-70s and BTR-80s.
Ukraine had far more artillery guns compared to these countries combined. This includes the 500 2S3s they had at the start of the war which is Soviet counterpart to M109. They also had plenty of 2S1s and 2S19s. Even if you include only the 2S3s (which again are comparable to the M109), this is roughly the same amount of M109s that the US has.
Ukraine has almost five times the amount of multiple launch rocket systems as France, Germany, Italy, and the UK combined. They are also the largest user of HIMARS and M270 outside of the US with them having more than France and Germany combined.
Ukraine has also received over a hundred modern tanks (roughly the same amount the UK has) and over half a thousand of modern artillery guns from the West which is more artillery guns than the amount that France, German, Italy, and the UK have combined. This has helped replace their losses with their fleet of 2S3s which for example dwindled down to 140.
Ukrainian military was also being trained by NATO since 2015 and also received MILES gear.
The UK practically sent their entire stockpile of SPGs to Ukraine and begged to Sweden to replace their fleet and Poland thrown half of their stockpile of SPGs to Ukraine. Almost every European country has complained about massive shortages of ammunition due to it all being given to Ukraine. France stated they could only fight Russia for a few weeks before running out of ammo.
Ukraine literally has a stronger military than France, Germany, Italy, and the UK combined. There is a reason why these countries state a Ukrainian defeat would be the end of Europe although in my opinion Russia has no plans to invade more countries outside of maybe the Baltics.
All of this despite most of the Russian Armed Forces not even being in Ukraine, majority of forces in Ukraine again are from irregular volunteer formations recruited from regions across Russia.
You mean the several failed Belgorod incursions?
Or you mean when Ukraine thrown up to a quarter of all their combat troops including their most elite into a small area in Kursk Oblast which got destroyed recently? Russia has 500K soldiers in the Ground Forces not including logistics which is part of its own branch. 100K of these are conscripts and Russia will not use them even in Kursk due to public pressure. So this leaves 400K soldiers. But most of those soldiers are being used to guard the country against NATO. This left 100K on Ukraine’s border (not including the 100K in Belarus) with 50K of which fighting in Kursk. Ukraine essentially concentrated 100K of their most elite forces and captured a very small portion of Kursk before being halted by 50K troops. These 50K troops recently destroyed this force utterly. When the chance of US intervention ceased with the Putin-Trump talks, Russia immediately launched a large-scale offensive with the air being crowded with aircraft and entire Ukrainian units surrendering. They liberated 28 settlements in a single week and captured multiple western tanks and pieces of equipment.
Yet the Russian economy keeps growing.
The Russian military equipment was old and shit, mostly soviet era, probably in because they have an oligarch class that syphons off all the money, they sent all the fighting age men they could round up to use as cannon fodder and then surprise surprise, noone else wanted to go. Their military leaders are all nepo hires, corruption and bribery are rife.
I watched a russian man telling a story told to him by relatives at war. He said they had 2 tanks. One fired but couldn’t move and the other moved but couldn’t fire. They used the tank that could move to tow the tank that could fire through Ukraine. It’s funny but you have to feel sorry for people who might be brave and decent but just have no chance… Their country just doesn’t function well enough to give them a chance. And they know they’re fighting an unjust war for a tyrant. It reminded me of WW2 accounts of Russians at war. They’re pretty much in beach clothes with a broken pea shooter and expected to succeed? They don’t even have socks… I mean, you have to laugh. No wonder so many are dying.
Pretty much a shit tier country in every respect and the Russian people know it and say so even under threat of persecution. Russia couldn’t even win a war against little Ukraine - now they’re losing territory to a former soviet vassal state lol. Putin can do nothing but threaten WW3… What a weak ass ploy. He knows his presidency is dangling from a thread (this is also why he starts wars - for ratings).
Putin said the war would be won in 2 weeks… It’s a real David vs Goliath tale and anyone who has access to a world map knows that. That’s why heroes are flocking to defend Ukraine and hopefully soon EU, Canadian, Australian and UK soldiers will be there officially to defend. Ukraine will be saved and a new era of trust and cooperation begin in the west.
Maybe Russia too, if you’re lucky. You can give the hero soldiers a welcome and throw flowers at their feet. Your country will be made safe and people allowed to be decent to each other. Imagine your country at last having true democracy… I learned that the Russian people have never really been free of authoritarian rule of one kind or another, it would probably spark a cultural revolution. Who knows, Russia could be the start of a worldwide revolution where we all say ‘no more wars. No more dictators’.
🌻🌻🌻Edit: Bye bye Nimmy, I hope you escape from Russia soon my friend 🌻🌻🌻
Most countries still use cold-war era equipment including Russia.
Russia however produced more T-90Ms (a very good tank mind you) last year than the amount of tanks the entire German military has. Production was 20-30 per month last year but this has likely since doubled. Losses for T-90Ms have been low as per Oryx with production massively outpacing losses (one to two months of production last year was enough to replace yearly T-90M losses).
Before you talk about T-54/55s, they are being sent to volunteer formations that use them as SPGs for hotter zones as they are better protected from artillery fire than most other SPGs (including western) which is often just armoured against bullets. It is also beneficial as they were the last Soviet tank produced to ever have indirect fire instructions in the manual.
Russian SPG losses significantly reduced since the T-54 appeared.
Regular army has priority when it comes to receiving modern equipment, unlike the Volunteer formations in Ukraine.
Yes corruption exists, but Russia has been cracking down on it.
Where is your proof of this?
Russia’s last partial mobilisation happened in 2022. Russia over the past couple of years has seen a massive surge in volunteers with around 430,000 recruited in 2024 compared to 300,000 being recruited in 2023. That seems to contradict your idea of noone else wanting to go.
Told to him by relatives? Hearsay?
Soviet and Russian troops have traditionally used portyanki and only switched to socks in 2013.
Some troops are complaining about being issued foot wraps despite it not only being previously standard issue not so long ago but dry faster than socks and with many wearing tarpaulin boots, foot wraps is better for them anyways.
Meanwhile, the Finnish had to knit over 20,000 pairs of socks for Ukrainian soldiers.
Video of portyanki.
Yeah, ‘little’ Ukraine. A country with a stronger military force compared to Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom combined.