Spez is a cowadly pussy who is scared he is gonna get luigi’d for being a douchebag, which is stupid cause while he does really suck nobody is going to kill him when there are so many worse billionares than him out there like A LOT.
That guy has still a good amount of years to live (very ubfortunately so) nobody is killing the pansy so he is ruining his own website for no reason
Spez is a cowadly pussy who is scared he is gonna get luigi’d for being a douchebag, which is stupid cause while he does really suck nobody is going to kill him when there are so many worse billionares than him out there like A LOT.
That guy has still a good amount of years to live (very ubfortunately so) nobody is killing the pansy so he is ruining his own website for no reason
Have you seen his face though? He might be scared of how punchable of a face he has.
He might have the most punchable wealthy face.
That is true guy has like negative charisma