My favorite moment as a camp counselor for twice exceptional kids was when an autistic camper got into an argument with another counselor about the historical/mythological accuracy of this movie (camper insisted it was a terrible movie in mythological terms), and eventually the counselor got frustrated and said “fine, go write me a paper on it” and the camper went off to bed
About an hour later the kid pops his head out his door and asked how long he wanted the paper.
The same kid ended up eating a laundry pod later that summer.
My favorite moment as a camp counselor for twice exceptional kids was when an autistic camper got into an argument with another counselor about the historical/mythological accuracy of this movie (camper insisted it was a terrible movie in mythological terms), and eventually the counselor got frustrated and said “fine, go write me a paper on it” and the camper went off to bed
About an hour later the kid pops his head out his door and asked how long he wanted the paper.
The same kid ended up eating a laundry pod later that summer.
Damn, now that’s a job I want to get. How do you find jobs like this?
Ha, this was a camp run through a local private university, so I’d check places like that
Huh. I live next to a public uni. I’ll see if they do something similar.
Google “camp counselor job”
glad to help 🤙
I dub that kid Anakin in Mustafar, the counselor clearly underestimated his power 🤣