Edit: omg my first gold and it’s about buttholes smh
Edit: omg my first gold and it’s about buttholes smh
“This” used get downvoted into oblivion back in the day on Reddit.
I think it might be two things. Less bugs, and more aerodynamic cars. My last car almost had zero bugs on the windshield the 10 years I had it. My car now gets a decent amount every time I go on the highway.
They assume if you’re not a fat alcoholic that you don’t know how to fix cars. They’re also repeating the same dumbass jokes like “replace your blinker fluid”.
I’m a huge fan of Souls-like games but I have no problem with a difficulty slider IF the hardest setting rewards you with exclusive achievements or access to bonus areas in the game. It would be funny if the easiest setting replaces bosses with cute animals or something. Like kill this baby deer or play on hard mode.
Also, IMO if a game is not challenging it becomes incredibly boring after a few hours. I tried playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and put it on the hardest setting and it was like mild sauce from Taco Bell. Only bonus was a tiny more XP.
Literally me, the US has fucked my brain. I have no hobbies because I feel like I should be making money off of them. Then I don’t feel like doing any of them because it’ll feel like a job.
I don’t even listen to music anymore besides at the gym. It’s podcasts for me