2 days agoOk your chicken shouldn’t be dry, that’s never good. Waffles are bread, so I guess they’re dry, but that’s why syrup. I don’t know european waffles from normal but I can’t expect much difference, and of course none of that HFCS syrup, real maple only, but I’d expect nothing less from europe who isn’t tied to HFCS like we are. I really couldn’t tell you without recipes or at least seeing something in a pic, but you’ve got something off.
I just searched and found this recipe, I sort of skimmed, but it looks on the level. It should be something like this, health be damned. Fruit optional.
If the gauge is soups and friuits V dry then sure, but it should be juicy and moist inside (I’d say enough so that it can be eaten sauceless if you wanted). The inclusion of sauce is not necessarily indicative of dryness, they’re also used for flavor.
That said, seems you’re pretty close from this description, and yes the “sauce” here would be the syrup. And buttermilk is great too, didn’t notice the type they used but you can do either no problem!