Least incoherent shitlib
Least incoherent shitlib
because they both died a century ago.
The idea of replacing all on world mining with magic sci-fi technology is exactly as implausible now as it was a century ago.
I was just giving you the benifit of the doubt. Turns out that your comment was just incoherent instead
I’m assuming you replied to the wrong comment
No. The subject is the Latvian SS.
Got sources for any of those accusations?
And you came into possession of this suppressed information how exactly?
The communist party however has already covered up, so actual evidence is hard to get.
Yet somehow you know about it?
“my first thought when hearing about Nazi atrocities is ‘Russia bad’”
Average unscratched liberal
It doesn’t
This is what liberals describe as “whataboutism”.
Given your demonstrable lack of knowledge about the basics, you shouldn’t be trying to opine on that kind of thing.
Life was miserable almost from the start of the Bolshevik revolution for most people.
People like you should be forced to live under conditions like Tsarist Russia.
Then you clearly don’t know much. Maybe you should actually learn about the people you recommend
Someone who’s so ignorant of geopolitics that they don’t know about the fall of the USSR should not be so arrogant
Least smug shitlib
What no theory does to an mf
What no theory does to an mf.
You shouldn’t treat politics as parasocial celebrity drama
Imagine if you actually responded to what Cowbee says, rather than making up wild strawmen to put in his mouth