Do you manually format the title, cover art, etc of your downloads or is that handled automatically?
Do you manually format the title, cover art, etc of your downloads or is that handled automatically?
Thanks for taking the time to write up a detailed response I appreciate it. What is your vm workflow/setup?
Had the same issue 6 months ago, probably a me thing but more money/time than I would care to spend
What do you use to clean up the files for jellyfin, or does that happen automatically? I mean things like cover art, consistent title format, etc
I appreciate this take. Maybe I should keep it simple
I appreciate you writing all this out. I experimented with moving over to usenet around black Friday sales and I found it pretty difficult. I tried a few free trials for indexers and couldn’t get a popular movie to download and play. I eventually just torrented it, and that worked fine.
I’ll look into it again, a lot of people love it so its worth considering. Thanks again.
Can you elaborate more on this? I’m wondering how to set up jellyfin for people outside my lan to use and its unclear to me which method is best.
Do you have a recommended way of remote accessing a server?
Did you change your OS?