Anyone still using “Text Messaging”?
Anyone still using “Text Messaging”?
I wonder if this Professor is aware that they’re regurgitating the exact same arguments that damn near every Teacher / Professor / Instructor on the planet used against calculators?
It boils down thusly ‘If you can’t do the maths long form them you can’t possibly understand them. You won’t always have a calculator in your pocket so you must be able to do it yourself.’ The argument was junk in the 80s and 4 decades later its still junk.
" I once believed university was a shared intellectual pursuit. " Then you need to get off your intellectual high horse and pursue the goal of integrating technology, the highest product of modern society, into how you teach.
Stop yelling at clouds Troy, lest ye’ be mistaken for an Old Man with an onion on their belt.
Nearly everyone I know is still using SMS, even if they’re also messaging using another app.