Good question.
Good question.
Keep on arguing on the interwebs.
Maybe someone will notice.
When Star Wars first came out it ran in the theaters for two years.
Gone With The Wind ran at one theater in Georgia until 1969.
Yes, we should definitely not have something like Sweden or the old New Deal. We should let children grow up in poverty, let old people suffer, and let the planet burn while we sit around discussing Trotsky and the Second International in hopes that the revolution will come.
iirc de La Cruz got less than 100,000 votes.
“Trader To the Stars.”
Three stories where van Rijn shows his stuff. Like I said, he’s much smarter than Mudd, and a lot more fun.
Let’s start of list of great authors/projects that have never had a single movie.
I’ll start. Poul Anderson. He created Dominic Flandry, a smooth, cynical playboy diplomat who, as an Agent of the Terran Empire, fights to keep the decadent Emperor in power for a few more years. Another great character is Nicolas van Rijn. Imagine if Harry Mudd was a little fatter and a whole lot smarter. He’s head of a galactic trading company who outwits various aliens and humans in the name of sweet cash money. Anderson also created dozens of alien races and imagined the worlds they lived on.
I go even simpler.
The New Deal.
Make the GOPs explain why we could pay salaries that let one earner support a family of four in 1940 and can’t do it today.
Of course, you could just talk about “Tax The Rich” or “Bring Back the New Deal” but then how could people know you read Karl Marx?
Stole it from the TV show Angel. Idiot vampire receptionist Harmony.
A good line is worth stealing.
I read the original novel and mehed out early on. I heard the movie will be streaming soon anyway, so I’ll give it a try.
Thanks I’ll do that.
You’re preaching to the horse’s mouth.
So, it’s given up all complexity to become completely parasitic. Can’t eat or even breath on its own.
Why does this feel like political news?
This is a general rant.
Pretty much everything that I used to enjoy now feels like work.
At some point, comic books went from $2.00 to $7.00. I went from having one cheap streaming service to having five expensive ones. $20.00 to see a movie and don’t even talk to me about seeing live music.
I don’t know the story, but if I were a CIA plant I’d do something similar. It’s loud and obnoxious, but it’s just a gesture and it wouldn’t actually hurt my bosses.
OP hates his weekends.
If he has a job he doesn’t hate, he might be able to relax for two days because he doesn’t dread Monday morning.
It would be nice if we were all living in a world where a minimum wage job let you thrive. Until then, we try to do the best we can.
Try and find a job you don’t hate.
I lucked into a book called ‘Discover What You Are Best At.’
Turns out, when you aren’t miserable about going to work, a lot of your other problems vanish.
Have you tried China Mieville yet?
‘UnLunDun’ is set in a mirror universe where the plucky sidekick finds herself the unhappy heroine of the story.
‘The Scar’ is pretty dark, set in a future where magic and technology collide.