I dunno your demographic, but the pervailing sentiment is that SL was cool when people were ignorant and impressionable teens and young adults, but as we aged and grew up, it stopped being cool, and most people moved on to other things.
I dunno your demographic, but the pervailing sentiment is that SL was cool when people were ignorant and impressionable teens and young adults, but as we aged and grew up, it stopped being cool, and most people moved on to other things.
you routinely go on social media and cheerlead for butchers committing genocide in ukraine and gaza, amongst other things.
terminal affluenza. doesnt understand that actions have consequences.
so long as trump, bibi, putin, and their sycophants are in power, pretty much every man woman and child in gaza is living on borrowed time.
the technology has improved tenfold, the game looks and runs so different now that its virtually unrecognizable, but the communities are shit, the user count is at best half as many as it was in the late 00s to early 10s. and most of the people online are either just parked in a shitty club, usually AFK, hiding in their private land, innnocuously buying stuff for their house or character, lagging the place up with scripted farms and such… a very small number of worthwhile game / activity and roleplay communities (RP is still basically a game…) … and most everyone else is probably e-banging…
when you say server, I think you’re talking about regions (colloquially called “sims or simulators” in game) while its true they do run on servers, usually 4-16 regions packed onto a single server… its easier to think of them as islands of virtual real estate, some are separate individual tiny islands of 256x256 meters, whereas others are joined to others of the same size. all of course, seperate from the continents which are owned by the company but land can be rented and such
privately owned land people can do whatever they want on it provided it isnt breaking law or TOS, and theres some weird shit that falls through the cracks.
the concept of SL is fascisnating, how it all works in the concept of a digital world, its been doing the metaverse 20 years before Mark Zuckerberg got the idea. the problem is, people are fucking freaks. and the metaverse is as freaky as they are.
Second Life. If you could call it a game.
I started “playing” it in 2006. Went through long periods of not playing it… but I always come back… and it’s always worse
I was permabanned for “Making threats of violence” when I suggested a hypothetical scenario when people were talking about US/Russia/Ukraine affairs, that if a US President suddenly not only betrayed a friendly victim of an invasion and switched to giving direct aid to the aggressor when public opinon of that aggressor is in the toilet, that the US may end up with a dead president. (and this was pre-election)
I dont care that it happened anymore, because judging from the way things have gone, if that didnt get me banned, something else would have.
Reddit is captured, and even if it wasnt, the only thing its good for is the comedy/hobby sections.
everything else is just dumpster fires like the news and politics communities, or the freakshows you see in relationship advice, AmItheAsshole, AmIOverreacting, etc. and all the bad advice that gets given to them as well…
so long as bibi, trump, and the puppet master putin and all of their respective ghouls are in charge, Im afraid every man woman and child in gaza is living on spent time.