He probably doesn’t know the difference between conquering and annexing. I wish I was kidding but it might be true.
He probably doesn’t know the difference between conquering and annexing. I wish I was kidding but it might be true.
Europe stands with Canada. This situation sucks so much. I hope France sends some nukes to extend the so called umbrella.
It’s a good website. Key takeaways:
Try to de-google your life. There are MANY European, privacy respecting alternatives for mail.
The only one that is currently impossible to replace is YouTube. Everyone is on there and no, DailyMotion is not a replacement. It’s trash.
Nobody needs google. Nobody needs Amazon. Unless, of course, you’re lazy.
Also try to switch to Linux. But be warned. It kinda sucks.
So who is winning? The religious fascists or the religious fascists? It’s hard to tell.
Best America ever. What a flourishing country. Having to beg literal former enemies for food. Literally the best. Very great.
Richtest country in the world. What a shit show.
And what do Americans do? They’re memeing away. To them, 5 people holding signs on a sidewalk is a „protest“.
Meanwhile in Europe, entire districts would be on fire right now.
Because just like Europe, you need a new partner to replace the USA. I hate china as much as the next guy. And we mustn’t ever become dependent on them like we did with USA (I’m in Europe, so… u know). But we need some form of replacement.
Or… I mean I’m not an expert. Maybe we don’t need anyone else? Just EU, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, Japan? I wouldn’t be opposed to that but idk if that would be sufficient.
And because I’m petty, I hope we exclude Switzerland from that alliance/partnership. They can suck a fat one after causing probably thousands of Ukrainian deaths by blocking arms deliveries.
These two dumbfucks probably don’t even know what environment actually means. So can’t blame them lol.
Might be time to warm up to china a little. USA is clearly not a partner anymore and honestly really an enemy at this point. China sucks but at least they’re predictive. They don’t pull backhanded bullshit like the US do. They do it openly for everyone to see. So it’s easier to deal with.
Yes. Not condoning violence or vandalism 😅 But scratch, slash, break, kick,… literally anything but fire.
He’s gonna offer him some eggs.
Also wow. What a website. I have eye cancer.
Lies. I love Irish bananas. They’re top tier, only beaten by their amazing pistachios.
I agree with what you said. I feel the same about burning Teslas. Yes, fuck Elon and I hope he… you know. But all these fires, especially batteries and charging stations… isn’t the environment already fucked enough?
Fuck Elon tho.
Aren’t we anyways? Who cares at this point. Nazi, antisemitic… Russophobe. I’ve been all of these lol. I’ve even been called a homophobe even tho I am literally gay.
Yeah, but it’s primarily a Muslim thing. Wow. Someone else also has a horrible beard. Guess that disproves everything I ever said.
It’s not about other people converting to Islam. I couldn’t care less whatever anyone converts to. Just keep it private.
And tbh, yes. I know what a „religious beard“ looks like. It looks like pubes on the chin and throat. And no, this isn’t racist also. It’s an observation and opinion.
I agree with you. It looks like I just hate Islam.
But it’s not true. I hate no religion. I hate when the religion is openly displayed. Keep that shit at home and all is good. This is 2025.
But I fail to see how banning it would create a problem for some women but not for others?
What could possible happen when they don’t wear a headscarf? I doubt they’ll go up in flames when sunlight hits. So I think banning it is the better approach.
Yes. Because men are not allowed to wear caps at school either. It’s called equality. One of the wests core values.
Has nothing to do with morality. We have our own problems no matter where we live. Why do I need to care about Palestine for example?
We have a literal war in Europe right now. I feel bad for innocent civilians in Gaza. But we have more pressing issues right next door. So honestly yes, I couldn’t care less. I care about our own shit first and foremost, which is logical. To me. But probably it makes me literally Hitler.
Dude if I was a toddler I couldn’t even reply to this, please fuck off. Calling someone a racist for wanting state and religion (and the public) separated is fucking dumb.
It’s not just Islam. I want ALL religions to be practiced privately.
It just so happens that some religions are unable to and need to show it publicly whenever they leave their homes.
The dude freed Andrew Tate. I don’t need to know anything else. Donald trump is a fucking scumbag and I hope he dies sooner rather than later. Hopefully it happens in a plane together with musk and Vance.