Interesting, it reads fine as small print on the Jerboa client.
Interesting, it reads fine as small print on the Jerboa client.
Everything is terrorism to the fearful ones at the top…
A few weeks later she finds a note in her kitchen… “you are not alone”.
The next week a note on the fridge reads “They are watching you”.
Two days later an angrily scribbled note is found on the stairs “do not sell them your chairs!”
More notes randomly appear, sometimes in familiar handwriting other times in a wild angry scribble … “they are here at night” … “they are fondling your chairs in the darkness” … “I told you not to make a deal” … “you and your chairs will suffer”.
A week later Lorette Grace is admitted into hospital with severe CO poisoning.
^~(sounds familiar to anyone? ;-) )~^
Perhaps the title needs adjustment … exchange “orders” with “asks”…
There were warnings at least a year before the election, many people laid out what is to come, it was barely taken serious, mostly ignored. And even now the media and government types are doing mostly a half assed “we’re stunned he’s doing this, but oh well, another day another decree”
It is too late, there will come an indefinite next term of Trump’s hegemony, and when he dies his son will take over as new/official king. He himself might not want to take up the title soon but when his next in line is ready it will start to be brandished about.
The writing is on the wall with how he is already tearing up any legal restrictions laid on him.
The current “proposals” for a 3rd term are only there to get people acquainted with it under the guise of “let him finish the job” but it will get hammered through, objections will not be tolerated.
Close, a story like it is/was a classic on reddit, person started receiving/finding anonymous notes that over a few months spiraled downward…
Wish I had saved it or wrote down the title, was a fun read.