Maybe god itself doesn’t have free will and is only acting according to a proscribed set of fundamental laws.
It burns when I poop
Maybe god itself doesn’t have free will and is only acting according to a proscribed set of fundamental laws.
If everyone remembered your past lives you could be held accountable for actions “you” never took. Imagine being born only to find out that your last life was a serial murderer and you have 300 consecutive reincarnations left before you’ll ever experience freedom again.
No, I think its better that we don’t remember. Plus, life wouldn’t be at all novel if you’ve already experienced everything there is for you to enjoy.
I came here to talk about general relativity but you beat me to it!
Gen Z/A are good at using tech, but they don’t really know anything about how it works. I work in IT support and it can honestly be a tossup sometimes if the person who doesnt know how to clear their cache is a boomer or not.
I think this is a really interesting read on the matter: https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/godTaoist.html
Christianity has gone completely off the rails and isn’t the answer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t a god.