Okay you are clearly refusing to face facts. Whatever the Dems do, the Reps say ‘they should have done more’. You are fixated on the Dems being the ones signing solely because they are in power when the Reps ENTIRE FUCKING PLATFORM is that Israel needs more support.
None of the facts you presented show that the Republicans would do worse.
Of course they’re saying the Dems aren’t supporting Israel enough, the Reps’ whole electoral strategy is to whine about the Democrats and blame them for everything they think is wrong. Just because they say the Democrats support Israel less than them doesn’t make it true.
Again, the Democrat’s actions show clearly that they are unconditionally supporting the genocide with every resource they have.
You aren’t arguing in good faith
I am though.
I go through every argument you made point by point, and explain point by point in detail why they don’t convince me, the problems I have with them, my perspective, so that you can come with better more convincing arguments.
That’s arguing in good faith.
But instead crafting better arguments to counter the points I raised you just keep repeating over and over that the Dems are better without ever demonstrating it. So far you’ve given just 2 sources, of which only the second was relevant to my main point, and no actual argument of your own as far as the subject matter is concerned.
I dare suppose that this is because you don’t actually have any answers to the many points I raised, or if you do you’re certainly not showing it.
and just repeating the same tired ‘Dems did bad stuff tho’ instead of acknowledging that the Reps would absolutely do worse, in their own words, supported by their own actions, happily.
'Course they say they would do worst. Complaining about the Dems posturing as progressive is their all thing. Doesn’t make it true. See first point.
This unwillingness to get beyond past wrongs to see how you’re own myopic actions only make things worse is a running theme with the Anti-Zionists so I guess in a way this is my fault for trying to educate the unwilling.
This is not just past wrongs, this is above all current wrongs, the genocide is going on right now, and the Democrats are supporting it right now.
Again, this point is only valid if you believe that the Democrats are less bad than the Republicans, which I don’t believe and which is what I’ve asked you to provide evidence of, which you didn’t do.
Also, your smug attitude since the beginning certainly isn’t isn’t a sign of good faith on your part.
Don’t listen. Keep sawing away at that nose. You aren’t worth arguing with at this point unless you agree the Reps outright say they want to do more for Israel than the Dems have and admit the only reason they haven’t is solely because they aren’t in power. We’ll just have to wait for the Rep leopards to be voted in and start eating your faces. At which point the metaphorical screams of pain will be little consolation.
I’ve listened, I’ve read the things you linked and responded to the points you tried to make with them.
To me, it’s you who don’t seem worth arguing with or willing to hear a different perspective.
I doubt you even opened any of the many links I gave, or again, if you did, you sure aren’t showing you did.
I mean, look at this line:
You aren’t worth arguing with at this point unless you agree the Reps outright say they want to do more for Israel than the Dems
That’s the whole thing we are arguing about tough. You’re basically saying that I’m not worth arguing with if I don’t already agree with you on the thing we’re arguing about. If that isn’t bad faith, I don’t know what is.
And again with that smug attitude, as well as wishing harm on me for not wanting to support your favorite genocider club to top it all, how very blue MAGA of you.
Weather or not you respond, I’m done here.
sarcastic french laugh