Yep. Very few people would waste all their money and tear up their vagina and lose all their sleep for three years, and free time for atleast a decade, on purpose. We have an evolutionary drive to.
Yep. Very few people would waste all their money and tear up their vagina and lose all their sleep for three years, and free time for atleast a decade, on purpose. We have an evolutionary drive to.
Privacy is not only anonymity.
It also includes things like security and built in surveillance capitalism tools.
Comparing per GDP is misleading because switzerland’s GDP is massively artificially inflated by being a tax haven.
If you look at spending per capita, switzerland spends 738 USD equivalent per person per year on military spending. That’s actually higher than most european countries.
Well quatre-vignt-dix is literally translated to “four twenty ten” (why not just nine ten? because historically french evolved with a base 20 counting system).
But when a french person hears that, they don’t hear those numbers, to them it just means ninety.
Just like an english person won’t hear. “four-ty”, and think “four-ten” “oh that’s 40”. Because “fourty” was originally “four-ten” (written differently because old english so I rewrote in modern for simplicity) and got shortened down.
To them “fourty” is just a word that means 40. Just like to metropolitan french people “ quatre-vignt-dix” is just a word that means 90.
What’s the reason they give mastodon the privacy badge, but don’t give it to lemmy or signal?
… and that your children survive to reproduce
Otherwise we’d have no incentive to care for our kids.
Signal is honestly the best solution for a lot of people. It’s a non-profit and is Open Source. It perfectly resembles whatsapp, already has a large userbase, and is easy to use.
I get XMPP might be more perfect since it’s decentralised (though it comes with drawbacks too like Encryption not being there by default), but I urge anyone reading this, do not let perfect be the enemy of good.
Switching from whatsapp to signal is already amazing for your privacy and ethics. Remember that switching messengers not only means you have to switch yourself, but also convince your friends and family to switch. It’ll be an uphill battle, so don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
I don’t want to discourage people from using XMPP, the goal of my comment is more for people who might get trapped in a sort of situation like: thinking of switching to signal and then giving up because “it’s not good enough I need to switch to XMPP” and then realising “no one I know uses XMPP” or “XMPP is too complicated”, and then ultimately just staying with Whatsapp.
Switzerland has armed neutrality.
Military service is mandatory for all men. We have a really high military budget. etc.
This is so weird. In all of the Swiss news everyone is saying Pfister is more conservative than expected and all leftists are angry. It’s weird that this article is trying to paint him as an outsider… He’s very much a figure of the conservative wing of the centrist party.
Medical malpractice comparatively doesn’t often make news for single cases. People like believing the medical system will take good care of you. It’s scary to admit that might not be the case.
Also, there are very little safeguards so cases of medical malpractice are more likely to be swept under the rug.
Banger instance btw
It also tastes like shit and is prohibitively expensive compared to many energy drink brands
The CCR argued that her public discourse, including opposition to Romania’s European Union and NATO memberships, made her unfit to uphold the constitutional obligations of the presidency.
She had been excluded from last years election for the same reason. So this isn’t new.
For their use case it makes sense.
They want heightened privacy features like making likes and follows private, which is something that is incompatible with the current state of activitypub.
My Roomate used to be addicted to that stuff. Would buy wooden boxes of it every week.
It’s kind of like Bluesky’s version of ActivityPub.
Though it’s built quite differently, which comes with some major advantages and disadvantages.
As someone who learnt both German and English as a second language, German was easier.
Consistent spelling and pronounciation make a massive difference.
It’s super funny because at swiss train station they always say
“Train X is delayed by Y minutes, this is due to delays in France/Germany and not the Swiss railways” on the megaphone LOL
“Once you free your mind about a concept of Harmony and Music being correct,
You can do whatever you want,
So, nobody told me what to do,
And there was no preconception of what to do”