1 day agoHopefully you can find something that fills that need - but if it’s not possible you can always significantly reduce your usage of the visa in favor of better alternatives. Then just use the visa where you feel you must for insurance protection.
Amazon is helping TimmiXyZ29 sell me a new washer. TimmiXyZ29 is not a certified salesman for Whirlpool Washers. Timmi is actually refurbishing old washers and selling them as new. My washer burns the house down. I think we all agree Timi is responsible, but where do I start?
Now add an additional level; the order is fulfilled by Amazon. Timmi, Whirlpool and other sellers now give Amazon these washers, and Amazon keeps them in a communal pool and sends it on Timmis behalf. Now we don’t even know where the original washer came from.
What if amazon deletes, hides, or deprioritized disparaging reviews that showed the product was dangerous, and you now buy it?
There’s so many levels of possible problems that it can be hard to consistently ascribe blame to any one party when sold through amazon.
I do expect that if a party is selling goods that end up being dangerous, and users have consistently reported the failures/problems in amazon, amazon should perhaps be responsible if they did not block the seller/product or adequately raise awareness about the concern.