Pretty please yes! I would love to leave to US for the EU. But that hop across the water is very difficult for me to afford.
Pretty please yes! I would love to leave to US for the EU. But that hop across the water is very difficult for me to afford.
But I can select nearly any software since Windows 7 and it will still work on windows 10/11. That is far less common on linux. It’s more a rule on windows with some exceptions vs linux being the inverse.
Support is stupid for both platforms. I don’t even want to touch that mess. Assholes and cunts on both sides and in different ways.
That example just proves my point further. No average joe is going to alter the execution policy because they aren’t running unsigned powershell scripts. They just want their applications to install and work. They don’t want to debug shit. You being fine doing all that is great but other people don’t want to mess with it and won’t.
Half the time instead of downloading and running an executable that works with nearly all versions of their OS, they have to figure out which os flavor they have since it’s not just “Linux” it’s Debian, Red Hat, Arch, Kali, Suse, CentOS, Mint, Pop, Ubuntu, etc. and then does it need to be compatible with gnome or kde or something else, then is the configuration even a supported option, oh wait it only supports versions newer than 5 years where anything older will fail, or only till 5 years ago and anything newer will fail. Or the one project that solved the issue stopped developing it 10 years prior and no longer works. Or there just plain isn’t a native app so now you have to try and find an alternative way to connect to a service you pay for that has an equivalent feature set and price.
Linux is a fractured mess overall. It is not user friendly. It is not out of the box ready. It’s a great option for someone technical that wants to type shit in a terminal. And it’s a bad option for anyone that doesn’t want to figure out what the magic words are that took the place of their double click.
You can definitely have your opinion. But seeing how so many people have a hard time switching to Linux because of this particular issue, I’d say your position on the subject is quesionable. There are hordes more people on Windows and Mac because they made things easier through accessible software. A large part of that was the GUI.
It is in mixed states of ready. Each distro has something it’s ready for and something it isn’t. It’d be nice if all the ready parts were in a single distro, but that’s an XKCD 927 issue. I am hopeful that Valve puts thought and effort into making SteamOS a solid desktop on top of a solid gaming platform.
It’s not a myth though. How do you know what to type in a CLI? You either google it or you read the man pages and god help you if you have to do that because they are not noob accessible documents. What do you do in a GUi? You either google it or you read plain words that are low in technical information on the screen in the menu labeled after what you want to change. GUIs exist for a reason. They brought in the masses for a reason. Pretending that they aren’t easier is a demonstrably wrong position.
While it can be done you have to have a focus on the group over the individual like Japan for It to happen. The main issue faced in most of the countries where litter would be an issue are ones that are more indiviualistic. So you have to upend the entire culture of a country and move its focus off of self and onto the whole. Can it be done? Eventually. Will it be done? Not likely.
So for now, there should be bins. Lol
I’m more amused that they think the country will survive long enough to get to midterms.
I’m gonna need a bigger bowl to catch all the sarcasm dripping off this comment. Lol
Again though, those times are more exceptions than rules. I’m not saying Linux hasn’t come a long way. A lot of the distros I’ve worked with are much better than they were a decade ago. They just still aren’t the oobe needed to capture general end users.