2 days agoIf you plan to torrent with your vpn. Tor isn’t a good idea. If you use it just as A VPN it could be fine ig.
I need some light
If you plan to torrent with your vpn. Tor isn’t a good idea. If you use it just as A VPN it could be fine ig.
Hi Talidan, It is not underload. Im pretty sure it is not my thermal paste(i just builded the pc 4 months ago).
Hi Atemu, I check it and it do not say anything about PCIe. just Thermistor 15. And two of them exist one lower temp +69.5°C and other +94.5°C.
Yes you are right. That is why I said it could be fine. I think most people will find it too slow. And also route all your phone traffic through tor isn’t a great idea neither because most services block Tor IP anyway.