Please stop sending my girlfriend dick pics. She is coming to see me soon, just need to help pay for her flight.
Please stop sending my girlfriend dick pics. She is coming to see me soon, just need to help pay for her flight.
Surely Europe in general. UK here and I have seen 2-3L of cider before. Pretty sure I have even seen them as a multipack. These days I go scrumping instead.
And no one talks about the 3rd film
Furlough was such a sweet deal during the covid lockdowns. Like 80% pay and no work? Sign me up!
Downside there is the company can then try and pressure one of them, usually the man, into not taking much/any.
If you hate her why would you marry or have kids with her? Its completely optional to have a wife or child.
I always thought it should be even between both parents, along with a staggered return to work at the end. So ideally you can have parents then working mostly alternate days for a few weeks before a full return to work. And the employer shouldn’t be allowed to have any say in it because otherwise its inevitable that pressure is put on you not to take it.
I think official government advice at this point is to find an infected person and snort their sore spots.
I would go with a vaccine, otherwise I suppose isolate from society.
I thought it was ok, but not even close to the other two.