I think the risk is that kids love it too though and what happens is they see one side getting beat up and the other side being funny and having a great time. That’s what lost a generation in my mind. In my world, lots of young men just no longer even admit to being left leaning publicly. It’s an embarrassment. And here is why it’s important. If they do say they are, then there is 10 people around then slinging shit at them because those people saw all the people online giving them ammunition. But because the left are risk adverse, there isn’t the same ammunition. There isn’t the same resources to let them know to fuck off. Representation is important. Saying we can just ignore things and not engage could end up hurting over the long term.
No, give them so much energy they burn out. They should shut up not us.
I was making this one elsewhere but I’ll restate it. I don’t know many people in real life that admit left leaning opinions publicly anymore. But I hear right leaning points daily.
That isn’t too say these people are Republican or conservatives or even right leaning. But their talking points are out there everywhere. That’s because these views are littered everywhere like ammunition. There is no ammunition for left leaning issues because the risk adverse nature of the left makes it harder to find effective points and quips that are easy to spread.
Saying ‘don’t give them energy’ I think is wrong. Instead find the fun in making them exhausted. That’s their move. Have fun shit posting. Give their energy back