You just solved one of my childhood mysteries, the foam after microwaving. TIL
You just solved one of my childhood mysteries, the foam after microwaving. TIL
This depends on the water temperature. I boil mine, so I pour water first, wait a bit, then put the bag. If I do the other way around, sometimes the tea gets burnt and tastes too bitter, which I don’t like.
I could also heat the water to a lower temperature but I don’t have one of those fancy kettles with temp selection, and I usually get distracted to interrupt the kettle before it boils. But, if the water is hot enough already but not just boiled, then I’ll put the bag first, then the water second.
I resonate with this answer. I should practice more that “repeat calmly I got all day” strategy.
Nice, good on you. Sounds like your management was down to earth
Bacon Lettuce Thing
Username checks out I guess :)