The only thing he cares about is money - for himself and anyone who kisses his ass - trying to fuck his own daughter.
The only thing he cares about is money - for himself and anyone who kisses his ass - trying to fuck his own daughter.
Speaking for myself, someone with family and friends in the US, I don’t trust you one bit right now - your current government is an enemy to Canada, period.
Those photos of WMDs? They were balls.
DoFo proving once again that he doesn’t give one rat’s ass about Ontarians, only about enriching the already wealthy and sucking Republican dick.
If you don’t see the importance of defending our sovereignty right now, then I’m not sure what world you’re living in.
I’m a proud Canadian, but I’d be even more proud if we had the electoral reform he explicitly promised in his first campaign. He accomplished some good things, but fuck we coulda used that.
Trump can go fuck himself, can’t he?