Oh, no plans on hiding it one bit. Proudly put it on my bag the moment I got settled in after work, and that thing goes practically everywhere with me.
Oh, no plans on hiding it one bit. Proudly put it on my bag the moment I got settled in after work, and that thing goes practically everywhere with me.
Of course you do. How long have you been in Big Fish’s pocket, eh? How long they had you stockin’ the ponds? What’d they use to reel you in?
I also have the trans fox pin they sell, it is super precious! I might have a pin problem.
“Ed tried to get his wife to understand, but it’s never easy. How do you explain that 20 years of marriage was nothing but kindling, waiting for the right spark? That his nights had been so dark, so cold? That he needed to see the firelight one more time?”
That’s the great/terrible thing about parts of the U.S this time of year! You can do both in the same day! You can watch as the alerts for burn risk due to low humidity and high temperatures pops up alongside the freeze warning for the night.
It’s just the best! I fucking hate it! You stay in layers until the sudden onset of heatstroke. You get to feel like the Mad Hatter is in control of the thermostat, always ready to change layers.
You have a fair point, I kinda autopiloted that. Paternity leave would probably be more accurate.
Well, no. He is obviously very far along in that pregnancy. Being a bus driver could be kinda dangerous, depending on where we are, and stressful.
Take paternity leave, we can discuss this upon return to work.
I feel like with time, it will come. Especially with the way it’s been with Baphomet kinda quietly being a bit of a queer icon, in certain circles.