Something like Crystal or Frank’s is about right. I find that McIlhenney’s and Cholula don’t have the right flavor profile I’m looking for.
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
Something like Crystal or Frank’s is about right. I find that McIlhenney’s and Cholula don’t have the right flavor profile I’m looking for.
Have you seriously never consumed hotsauce? Salad dressing? Mustard? Pickles?
It works best with a savory batter in a Belgian-style deep waffle iron. You need both real maple syrup and a vinegary hotsauce. Bone-in fried chicken is best, especially thigh. Put the hotsauce on the chicken and the syrup on the waffle, cut a bit of each and eat all four components together in one bite… it’s transcendent.
I didn’t get it either until I tried it. It’s a combination of sweet and fat and heat and salt and acid but also fluffy-crispy waffle texture and crunchy-silky fried chicken texture. It’s almost everything good about eating in a single bite.
chartreuse, obviously
You’re absolutely right, but I’ve only seen this abominable act in a microwave… and even then only on television.
First the filter, then the loose leaves, then water.
Heating water in the mike is fine. Heating already-made tea in the mike is fine. Heating water with a teabag in it in the microwave is the vilest act.
I get my manager. That’s their job, it’s generally what the customer wants anyway, and I’m not paid enough to take abuse.
I don’t want to say you’re wrong about your own tastes, but, uh… You should definitely be eating some of the things salad is made out of.