• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You know what scares me about all of this?

    Musk is going to outlive Trump. He will still be around when Trump’s term ends, or when he dies, whichever comes first. Even if Republicans remain in control after Trump is gone, they most likely aren’t going to keep taking Musk along for the ride.

    The man is the richest man in the world. There is absolutely nothing tying him to US soil. He could move anywhere in the world on a whim tomorrow. What will Musk do if a country like China or Saudi Arabia offered him residency, tax-free for life? Or just offered him like $100 billion to buy Twitter? $200 billion? That kind of money would barely qualify as a rounding error to countries like Saudi Arabia or China to pay for the information he has. Even if it’s a couple of years out of date, it wouldn’t matter. He could literally sell out this country any time he wants and there wouldn’t be a damn thing we could do about it.

  • The judge needs to put random words in his order in ALL CAPS, with bigger font and an exclamation point in order to show how super duper serious they are. Because Trump needs to understand what this judge would do if he had actual balls or enforcement power.

    I do wonder how the judge would react if the next filing just read “It is the opinion of both the Department of Justice and the United States Supreme Court that a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime or even investigated for official acts taken during his term in office. Further, President Trump believes that the justice system erroneously gave itself oversight power in Maybury vs. Madison, which is not actually granted in the Constitution, and their rulings are merely advisory rulings with no enforcement power. With all of those factors considered, President Trump does not believe his compliance with these court orders is required and any further actions by this court needs to be postponed until after 2028 as the courts will have no authority over President Trump until that time. This will be the Trump Administration’s final filing in this matter.”

    I mean, it’s the legal equivalent of “You’ve made your decision, now let’s see you enforce it.” But we’re at that point already, even if neither side has actually said the words. Might as well rip the bandaid off and get it over with. The courts are going to give orders. Trump is going to give the middle finger. Ok. We get it.

    Now what? Can we just get to the “Now what?” already?

  • he’s been in office for less than two months and has at least two.

    He’s had a lot more than two.

    • The fact that he was allowed to run at all is a violation of the 14th amendment. The Supreme Court just “worked around” that by basically saying that the 14th amendment was unenforceable and can be disregarded.
    • His refusal to divest himself from his businesses while he is President is a direct violation of the Emoluments Clause, which was again ruled as all-but unenforceable literally because nobody wanted to be bothered to enforce it because it would be “too complicated.”
    • The arrest and detention of Mahmoud Khalil, and his plan to use this case as a pretext to quash other protests, is a violation of the First Amendment’s right to protest.
    • The shipping of immigrants to El Salvador even if it wasn’t their country of origin is a violation of not only the Fifth Amendment rights to due process, but also the Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment.
    • His attacks on media that covers him unfavorably is a direct violation of both freedom of speech and freedom of the press as guaranteed by the First Amendment.
    • His funding cuts from both UPenn and Columbia in retaliation for policies he doesn’t like are both violations of those universities’ free speech rights, among other rights as well.

    Then there’s the shilling of his personal products like his watches and memecoins that are also violations of the Emoluments clause, his repeated defiance of court orders demanding he re-open shuttered agencies, release aid, re-hire fired workers, etc., his threats to attack allies and annex their territory, his subtle threats to pull out of NATO and even the UN, etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Its getting to the point where it’s not sarcasm or hyperbole to say that it would be quicker to list the Constitutional clauses he hasn’t violated. The man has already long since proven that when push comes to shove, nobody is really willing to actually defend the Constitution if it means putting in any effort beyond lip service. At this point, the Constitution is little more than a list of suggestions from some long-dead people on a really old piece of paper that can be safely ignored.

    If you’re expecting “Constitutional Protections” to either save this country or even you as an individual, I hope you never find yourself in a position to realize how useless those protections really are when nobody is willing to enforce them. Remember, we are now at the stage where people are actively calling out the violations of the Constitution that are being committed and are being told “Yeah, so what? Not like you can do anything about it.”

  • This was always the plan.

    Trump’s screed against Judge Boasburg (Sorry if I’m butchering his name) was a call to action. Whether it actually works or not is something we will see very soon, based on how Boasburg reacts to having his court orders defied for a third time. But even if it doesn’t have the desired impact on Boasburg, it sends a chilling message to the entire judiciary. Fall in line, or we will come for you and your family. Dismiss our case and get it off your docket, or we will escalate. It makes the next judge that has a Trump case come across their desk at the very least consider doing whatever they can to get the case out of their courtroom as soon as possible, and increases the chances s/he will rule in Trump’s favor even if only out of fear of retribution (whether it’s political, legislative, and/or violent retribution).

  • Anyone wanna guess what those “Consequences” are going to be?

    • A sternly worded written order DEMANDING compliance, with random words in ALL CAPS to show how serious they are this time.
    • A repeat of the orders demanding compliance, but adding the words “OR ELSE” to the end.
    • A $1000 fine for the first dozen or so violations, followed by nothing at all.
    • A contempt of court charge for Trump that actually can’t be enforced because he’s the sitting President.
    • A press release saying that Trump needs to abide by the court’s decisions.
    • Absolutely fucking nothing at all.

  • Schools offer services to students and while making the statement (that trans people are still people) is important denying services to hundreds if not thousands of students (due to lack of funding) who may or may not agree with that position just to make the statement isn’t responsible as an institution.

    I understand your rationale. And in fact, in 99% of circumstances I begrudgingly agree with it. Sometimes, you have to do what’s right for the greater good even if you know it might hurt a few people in the process. But this is not one of those times. And it’s not even because of the specific issues being raised (Protests at Columbia, trans athletes at UPenn, etc.).

    The reason I’m against it is because by so quickly bending the knee for Trump on these issues is that you’re telling your students, community, and alumni that the principles you claim to stand for are up for bid. You’re in favor of trans rights – until trans rights start actually costing you money. You’re in favor of the rights of students to protest – until it effects your funding. What happens when a school promotes support of LGBT issues and then comes in the crosshairs of the Trump Hate Machine? “Sorry guys, but we’ve gotta kick all the gays out. Trump threatened to pull $100 million in funding if we don’t.”? Where do you draw the line?

    It’s one thing to expect that of a regular business. Neither your local mom & pop store nor Wal-Mart are expected to be champions of our freedoms and hold such an important place in our society. Even if I strongly disagree with their decisions, I can understand if they follow where the political and financial winds are blowing. But universities are a completely different beast and play a completely different role in our society.

  • It was disregarded because it was a vocal demand when the criminals were already halfway to their destination. If we allowed a federal judge to say “wait, don’t do that!” and express vocally their outrage, to the POTUS every time they disagreed, there would be no point in having a person voted as President

    You do realize this happens all the time, right? Death row inmates can be granted clemency literally while they’re strapped to the gurney. It’s literally a case of the judge, governor, POTUS, whoever saying “WAIT, DON’T DO THAT!”. And yes, this includes the judge verbally giving instructions and holding off the proceedings until a written order can be drafted.

    There was nothing stopping them from turning that plane around.