Denmark = outdated cringe
Just kidding neighbor, I love you all
Foreign Delivery Man of God. Yanker of Pizzles. Demon Pointer Outer. Possible Podbot.
Denmark = outdated cringe
Just kidding neighbor, I love you all
Yeah France is fine
Well, it’s interesting because that would be the case with 15:20. That’d be tjugo över tre (twenty past three). But specifically 15:25 would be fem i halv fyra (five to half four). 15:35 is fem över halv fyra (five past half four).
And then 15:40 is tjugo i fyra (twenty to four).
So :25 and :35 are weird edge cases.
That makes perfect sense to me though. In Swedish we’d say fem i halv fyra. Five minutes to half four.
But in English half four would be short for half past four. I guess.
Counting like the Danish, however, that is an abomination.
Every time we’re out and I see one I make a point to call them swasticars out loud.
It’s bad, but not danish bad
Huh… I had no idea. They don’t sell it here.
Let’s grab a rød pølse and some surströmming
edit: evil combo of the year