I haven’t heard of this app, will defo check it out
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
I haven’t heard of this app, will defo check it out
Like the other comment said, I would love to know some morally appropriate companies, that way I can choose to use them. Boycotting is nice but if you lack the knowledge of where to shop then it’s a fruitless effort
The US medical system is a fucking joke, they have the GoFundMe at 78,000 as the goal, which don’t get me wrong is no small chunk of change, but the fact that if they didn’t have insurance it would cost around 45,000 the first year alone in just diagnosis and treatment costs, average 7,000 per year after that and then average 114,000 the last year of treatment is extortionary.
Granted I would expect someone like that would have insurance for the family, which means realistically they’re probably only going to have like a $10,000 yearly deductible but still
I haven’t actually experienced this. I use my JF server on my roku, my Samsung tv (ok that was a pain because you have to side load it which requires a PC for TizenOs), all my families systems, and my tablet. The only systems I’ve found that seem to lack support of a jellyfin app is my ps5 and my xbox. It’s either been on native or been able to be side loaded on every smart tv I’ve used, and every mobile device has had an app in the app store allowing me to use it. I don’t understand the people saying there are no clients for it.
TIL that jellyfin doesn’t support an actual password reset. I’ve never had to actually try. That’s somewhat disappointing.
for real though, such a dumb decision on plex’s part lol
I really don’t see how anyone in their hierarchy thought this was a good idea.
There are at least 3 other competitors that moreorless work better than plex already does, without even having a subscription.
I’m amazed they decided to go this route, especially when migrating is as simple as uninstall plex, install competitor of choice(like jellyfin), and then just specify media locations.
the only real annoying part is remaking user accounts and losing watch progress/history, but there is usually a migration tool for that
for my server I use proxmox backup server to an external HDD for my containers, and I back up media monthly to an encrypted cold drive.
For my desktop? I use a mix of syncthing (which goes to the server) and windows file history(if I logged into the windows partition) and I want to get timeshift working I just have so much data that it’s hard to manage so currently I’ll just shed some tears if my Linux system fails
not to mention they decided to block Linux users back in October. I had very little interest in it in the last 6 or 7 years, but I decided when a friend played it I would try to join, just to be met with performance issues and getting kicked offline due to their anticheat. So stupid. It worked for years in Linux, then they just decide to boot it.
I lost what little interest period in anything GTA from that.