You realize you already are who you truly are. Then you decide what you want to truly be and work towards becoming that person.
“Si miras fijamente al pudú, el pudú te devuelve la mirada.”
You realize you already are who you truly are. Then you decide what you want to truly be and work towards becoming that person.
Girls can be great hole diggers, yes.
Do you need a hug? I feel like you need a hug.
There are some nice ones.
Because pudú.
I am being personally attacked.
Well yeah. Acid hangovers are exhausting.
I usually don’t care what color the person that sells them to me is, but I could become concerned about their health if they have blueish or purple hues and might refuse to purchase products from people who are orange.
I hear you can treat the symptoms but it costs a lot of money.
Ask for your money back.