I swear to god man.
You swear to do what? What are you gonna do about it if we don’t get rid of Trump? If we don’t engage in large-scale riots and die so Canadians are safe? How about YOU do something? The best way to deal with an aggressive neighbor (geopolitically speaking) is invading them to enact regime change or just genocide the people there. Go on. Do it. Put your money where your mouth is and start walking across that border with a weapon in your hand. Once you win you can impose whatever government you want here.
That’s the problem with “Someone should kill Trump and Elon Musk”. The “Someone” part, which translates to “anybody but me I just want to continue being lazy and comfortable”.
No. Or not yet.
Do you know about the actual liberal party USA? Not a toothless “wing” of the Democratic party. I mean the ACTUAL liberal party we have in this country? They got less votes than Vermin Supreme last election. I hope they will do better next election, but it still won’t amount to even 0.1% of all votes. Because Americans still believe voting third party is “throwing your vote away”, while voting for actual traitors (democrats) or just giving up and voting for the king is the way to go. As long as AOC and others cling to the ramshackle ruin that is the DNC, there straight up is no hope. It is a calcified collection of geriatrics and powerless minorities without a clear goal and no leadership except the already retired ones who play the stock market (Obamas, Pelosis, Bidens…). Look at the dead-eyed onion that is Hakeem Jeffries. “Here is your Obama 2.0 but in boring, pls vote for us. Eminem is endorsing us after we gave him some money, SURELY you will vote for us now?”. Controlled opposition.
Progressive take-over will happen after the second civil war, or not at all.